Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes

4 articles
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
68 words
lacks description
Alt History: North America
founder: tiramisu
A generic portfolio for languages of alternate histories taking place primarily in North America. Because work on such languages first requires an alternate history, a thought-out scenario should be presented before a conlang may be entered into this portfolio.
founder: (empty page object)
maintainer: Rhetorica
This universe is a general container for creations that do not belong to a universe or alternate history, such as auxlangs.
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: k1234567890y
1 language family
lacks description + synopsis
a123's speed universe
founder: anonymous123
2 articles
1 language family
4 languages
2 dictionaries
2055 words
contributors: cedh, Nortaneous, Radius, thelettermu
founder: Radius
3 language families
1 language
lacks description + synopsis
Aleph Warp & Weft
founder: Nihilistless
no content
lacks description
Alpha Sphere
founder: TheDerpyAlicorn
A dyson sphere populated by life forcibly taken from across the multiverse. Very scientific magic and magic based technology. Most inhabitants do not know that they are on a sphere, only that the star filled sky is now starless and the world is not their own.
3 language families
4 languages
lacks description
alyss_aq's universe
founder: alyss_aq
1 language family
2 languages
1 dictionary
7 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: Aquila Ex Machina
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description + synopsis
founder: adajd
6 books
46 articles
6 language families
20 languages
2 dictionaries
112 words
founder: neosonichdghg
A fantasy universe developed for a long-running role-playing campaign
3 articles
3 language families
6 languages
1 dictionary
16 words
founder: con quesa
a fantasy world.
11 articles
3 languages
3 dictionaries
105 words
founder: tiramisu
A playground for loosely related projects
founder: (empty page object)
maintainer: Matrix
Info for a Pathfinder D&D5E campaign Matrix may or may not run at some nebulous point in the future.
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description
founder: sincy
it's a universe and it contains the bep
founder: (empty page object)
maintainer: Pthagnar
Blegs! Blegs! PBhbhbhb
35 articles
3 language families
5 languages
5 dictionaries
4166 words
founder: Travis B.
This is the universe in which Proto-Søkkli and its descendents exist, named after the Proto-Søkkli word for "world".
1 article
3 language families
2 languages
2 dictionaries
172 words
founder: Pogostick Man
About fifteen hundred years from now, orbiting an alien sun… (Not to be confused with the book of Psalms.)
no content
Cev's hawh
founder: Cev
2 language families
1 language
Children of 'e
founder: Fenemere
This is the story of the Dragon People, or the Children of 'e, their encounter with Outsiders from the Hole in the Sky, and their struggle with a changing Earth.  It is backstory for Harmless Free Radicals and The Epic of Sally Robertson.
5 articles
1 language
1 dictionary
219 words
Context 34
founder: twabs
3 books
Crowsgrave Multiverse
founder: Matrix
Superheroes and alternate history, ad infinitum.
1 article
2 language families
1 language
1 dictionary
10 words
founder: vidurnaktis
Cuaria is my conworld bringing together all my non-Akana projects.
1 article
1 language
Cultural Experiments
founder: ParadoxRogue
Just a amateur linguist with a hobby.
3 articles
1 language
Daniddine's Conlangs
founder: daniddine
I don't really want to make a universe. I am not much into conworlds. I just want to build my conlang here.
3 books
lacks description
Darkstar Chronicles
founder: YourFace
Welcome to the darkstar, a unique star with very unique properties.
1 language family
1 language
lacks description
founder: dhok
1 language
lacks description + synopsis
doof's knickknacks
founder: doofisconfused
lacks description
founder: stucco
The Pearl of the North; a cradle of industrial alchemy; a city of lights and shadows.
1 book
1 article
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description
El jo de Serafín
founder: Serafín
“Fuera, que este es mi jo.”
3 books
2 articles
founder: Izambri
Hangover after the Dhaula Varlauve
2 articles
2 language families
2 languages
founder: twabs
And seventy worlds and seven hundred words is not enough: how could it be for anyone?
79 articles
1 language family
8 languages
11 dictionaries
2399 words
founder: Emily
stuff made by Emily
7 books
10 articles
4 language families
2 languages
2 dictionaries
215 words
contributors: Nessari, Netharía
founder: Nessari
An alternate history take on Earth.
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
23 words
Enlesyaz Wár
founder: GuydeMeuse
Earth, in the late 28th century.
1 language
lacks description
founder: Wario Toad 32
West Germanic Languages. Preferably Conlangs that have the High German Consonant Shift.
1 book
1 language
lacks description + synopsis
Fens Al
founder: Vilyon
1 book
1 language family
1 language
lacks description + synopsis
founder: nemurenai
1 book
5 articles
1 language family
1 language
2 dictionaries
0 words
contributors: dhok, Hurq, Matrix, Nessari, Rhetorica, Torco, Travis B., Vuv, Yaali Annar
founder: Hurq
A forum game/constructed world.
1 article
1 language family
1 language
Future Earth
founder: Travis B.
A possible future of the Earth, starting from the present-day (i.e. January 2015).
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description
founder: Fleur
The Gain world - a modern-day earth-like world with a wide range of linguistic and cultural variety.
3 books
13 articles
2 language families
3 languages
2 dictionaries
37 words
Galactic Border
founder: EatMyBorts
A Bunch of languages and cultures used in a film series
1 language
lacks description
founder: Wario Toad 32
1 language
1 dictionary
15 words
lacks description
founder: ngwe
Land of the Taahu and anything else I decide to make up
1 language
1 dictionary
4 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: edgarbird
1 language family
1 language
lacks description
Greater Quiritia
founder: Eshtan
Named after one of the Romans' own demonyms for themselves, this universe looks at what could have happened if there had been a much greater and more stable Roman ethnic expansion across the Mediterranean, and what their Latin-descendant languages would look like today.
2 books
1 language family
2 languages
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description
founder: feroxaurus
1 book
8 articles
1 language family
2 languages
2 dictionaries
106 words
H13 Plays Tabletops
founder: Hallow XIII
Tabletop setting notes and languages.
1 article
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description + synopsis
founder: bloodbornebi
1 book
6 articles
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
81 words
India, 22nd century
founder: bhasdhaNara
India, particularly the state of Maharashtra in the 22nd century.
2 language families
4 languages
2 dictionaries
1132 words
founder: Uzhdarchios
no content
lacks description + synopsis
Jai hok
founder: Nesescosac
1 book
12 articles
1 language
founder: BJWilliams
A world inspired by fantasy tabletop gaming among other things.
7 articles
4 language families
7 languages
3 dictionaries
14 words
lacks description
Karch's scrap pile
founder: Karch
Languages that I've scrapped or that aren't spoken in my main universe.
1 book
76 articles
35 language families
52 languages
3 dictionaries
5 words
Karch's universe
founder: Karch
A catch-all universe for my stuff.
17 articles
4 language families
8 languages
founder: nadiawendt
Technically for D&D but also just for fun.
3 language families
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: Kawdek
4 language families
5 languages
Kereb's things
founder: Kereb
a place where Kereb keeps his things
1 book
4 articles
1 language
1 dictionary
712 words
Ki Kuriku
founder: Matrix
The universe that the Maja live in. "Ki Kuriku" is Maja for "The Universe".
3 articles
1 language family
2 languages
1 dictionary
12 words
kodé's konstuff kloset
founder: kodé
2 books
1 language family
founder: DruidPeter
The Kölldrunn is a rogue star system ejected from the ESO 510-G13 Galaxy. It wanders deep space, consisting of the single star Alchaille and two planets. The first, for which this universe is named, is Kölldrunn, and the second, it's sister planet, is Wohlodt. In addition to these two planets, the Kölldrunn is privy to a single moon, merceceis, which is approximately 248 Kilometers in diameter, about 1/7th the size of the Earth moon.
3 language families
lacks description + synopsis
founder: muilyu
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
Kuur tnaaqa
founder: xroox
Tnaap land and stuff
no content
lacks description
founder: Aalors
This is where my language will exist
7 books
4 articles
1 language
1 dictionary
5 words
founder: AuthorOfLight
A continent protected and ruled by races with elemental powers, Lienwe is the setting for a fantasy series that is in the planning process.
10 articles
2 language families
2 languages
2 dictionaries
836 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: Whimemsz
7 books
50 articles
8 language families
3 languages
3 dictionaries
1679 words
founder: Matrix
Matrix's sort-of-maybe alternate Earth. With magic.
no content
lacks description + synopsis
founder: YourFace
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description
founder: Aithira
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
founder: Elph85
1 language
1 dictionary
29 words
lacks description
founder: naoki
1 book
1 language
2 dictionaries
2 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: justthehopeleft
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: Lísič
1 article
1 language family
1 language
lacks description + synopsis
founder: názh
1 article
1 language family
2 languages
founder: tiramisu
"Blessed are the Greeks for they shall inherit the earth . . ."
1 language family
lacks description
founder: Znex
An alternate-history look at Earth if Afro-Asiatic originated from a Germanic-Mandarin-others hybrid mess of a language and lizard-bird-men lived in the Americas.
Old Universe
founder: (empty page object)
maintainer: nadiawendt
A place for the conlangs I made in middle and high school. (Some are okay, some are downright bad.) Incidentally, the planet never got named. Oops.
no content
lacks description + synopsis
founder: tofuturtle
3 articles
9 language families
12 languages
Ophois' a posteriori langs
founder: Ophois
See title.
18 articles
7 language families
14 languages
2 dictionaries
5 words
Ophois' universe
founder: Ophois
Just your average conworldiŋ project.
21 articles
3 language families
6 languages
3 dictionaries
75 words
Our World
founder: Nortaneous
...but different.
1 language
1 dictionary
215 words
lacks description + synopsis
Palulukan Islands
founder: nachojcesar
1 language
1 dictionary
3 words
founder: Cap1Banksy
An alternate history earth home to the Paswa, a people of relatively unknown origin who settled Easter Island instead of the Polynesians.
no content
lacks description + synopsis
founder: jojogong3736
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
4 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: PedroAth
1 book
14 articles
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
3751 words
1 news post
founder: prettydragoon
Rireinu: the world, the people, the language.
2 articles
1 language
1 dictionary
167 words
Safir Alliance
founder: Hâlian
Hālian's universe, with psionics, FTL space travel, dragons, and four-armed blue space elves.
2 articles
1 language family
2 languages
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description
founder: Grunnen
Just trying to see if doing stuff here is going to work for me.
1 language
2 dictionaries
7 words
lacks description + synopsis
Salá'a Hyae'e
founder: Saiava
2 books
1 language
founder: Foolster41
A coastal semi-desert nation inhabited by lizardfolk (Medieval tech).  It is a earth-like world, but is not meant to be an alternate earth.
2 books
18 articles
26 language families
14 languages
9 dictionaries
1884 words
12 news posts
contributors: Nessari, Netharía
founder: Nessari
Šaol is an a priori conworld, mostly of a late classical focus, with a recent reintroduction of magical power after a ten thousand year absence.
4 language families
3 languages
1 dictionary
7 words
founder: Risla
Risla's pet planet.
1 article
3 language families
1 language
1 dictionary
2 words
founder: YourFace
A planetary system
3 articles
1 language family
1 language
2 dictionaries
30 words
Sehbahn Shenanigans
founder: apollo
All things sehbahn
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description
1 book
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
founder: Rizael
The world of my novel/story in progress. There exists the real world, which exists as a parallel reality, and the world of Shavam, where there is a mortal and an divine realm separate from one another.
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
19 words
founder: Caroline
Not sure what to title this. As of now I've only got something based on World of Warcraft's Common.
1 language
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: K2
1 article
4 languages
1 dictionary
0 words
lacks description
founder: Radoxon
1 language
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description
founder: GoingAgainsttheFlow
A world in many of my stories, from pretty early on to what would be about 1600 in our time.
5 articles
3 language families
5 languages
4 dictionaries
1868 words
Some Stuff
founder: Travis B.
A place to put random languages without any specific time or setting.
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
5 words
lacks description + synopsis
Star Wars
founder: iancgil
2 languages
1 dictionary
62 words
Stars are Silent
founder: AmbroseTV
Cosmic horror sci-fi
4 books
6 articles
1 language family
2 languages
2 dictionaries
141 words
founder: Yaali Annar
Starway is an alternate history with the point of divergence mainly around 14th century. Most of the stories, however, take place after 24th century.
1 article
3 language families
4 languages
1 dictionary
1032 words
founder: hwhatting
Tarra is an island on an undefined world. It's the home of the Tautínai and their neighbours. I might also post information on non-Tautisca side projects here.
1 book
2 articles
lacks description
founder: warbear
A center of one of the biggest Hyperspace Clusters, Tawára is an important transport knot and in fact the financial, scientific and cultural capital of more then a hundred worlds.
no content
lacks description + synopsis
founder: loglorn
1 book
7 articles
4 languages
4 dictionaries
1716 words
lacks description
Terra Mala
founder: bloodbath, Ph.D.
The assorted collection of concountries, concultures, and conlangs created by bloodbath.
1 book
3 articles
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
2 words
1 news post
contributors: Leeloo Dallas, Rhetorica
founder: Rhetorica
This is a demonstration universe meant to show off Anthologica's universe management features. This text only appears in universe listings and on user profile pages.
3 language families
1 language
lacks description
The 7th Planet
contributors: minechatz, nemurenai stucco
founder: minechatz
Tens of thousands of years ago, before any written histories, a cosmic entity enamored with humans spread them across the universe. Then, much more recently, a legion of Romans and their camp-followers fell through the wormhole that led some of those humans to the 7th Planet. Here's how that shook out.
3 books
150 articles
21 language families
39 languages
22 dictionaries
1082 words
The Allosphere
contributors: dhok, Hallow XIII, Nortaneous, Yng
founder: Nortaneous
The only worlds that are easily summarized are those that have yet to be colonized. This is not such a world. But knowledge of others has been forgotten — hence the definite article.
8 articles
2 language families
4 languages
3 dictionaries
46 words
lacks description
The Avearaverse
founder: KathTheDragon
Herein lie most of the better languages and families I've done. Don't expect much until it's been gathering dust for several years.
1 article
1 language family
1 language
1 dictionary
10 words
The Blue
founder: xybre
Planets, languages, species, civilizations, and metaverses.
6 books
4 languages
The Omniverse
founder: Shinji
The Omniverse is the multiverse used in Tsinko's Misfortune and Forerunner Chronicles series of novels.
1 book
1 article
2 languages
1 dictionary
1 word
lacks description + synopsis
The Pillars of Ist
founder: EatMyBorts
The World Ash
founder: (empty page object)
maintainer: Hallow XIII
Life after Ragnarök.
4 language families
2 languages
lacks description
founder: Chagen
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
16 words
contributors: Leeloo Dallas, Torco
founder: Torco
A verse which torco maed
3 articles
5 language families
4 languages
3 dictionaries
1551 words
lacks description
founder: Nesescosac
This is the world in which are Lorošae, Neviat, Dexi, and all the other languages that you have come to (not) expect from me.
1 book
5 articles
founder: Yaali Annar
Twiside is a flat planet shaped not unlike a paratha bread. Though the two sides have different condition going on, they are both habitable.
1 article
1 language
Tÿ Trheyf
founder: Krhÿser
Medieval fantasy fiction.
3 articles
1 language
1 dictionary
172 words
lacks description + synopsis
Universe a la Earth
founder: bloodbornebi
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
14 words
lacks description + synopsis
founder: annamaya
3 books
18 articles
2 languages
1 dictionary
4 words
lacks description
Vana Gloria
founder: Anguipes
Platonic realism, gnosticism, the throne of God, angels, heavenly spheres and a Great Chain of Being.  What could go wrong?
2 articles
1 language
founder: Xálos Júryin Vërdah
All of our ideas and creations belong in this one infinity that we find ourselves in. The Cosmos is one and diverse...
1 book
3 articles
2 language families
2 languages
1 dictionary
156 words
Vuv's Space Opera Universe
founder: Vuv
Humanity spreads across the galaxy, colonizing many worlds. The standard fare.
2 books
13 articles
6 language families
3 languages
6 dictionaries
287 words
lacks description
World of Mjua
founder: iancgil
1 book
1 article
1 language
1 dictionary
2 words
Xoja'ak Ka'igamaaki
founder: Faustinho
In this universe, human society was nearly brought to its collapse by a fascist dictator, humans were only saved with the help of a more developped species: Sanoinam. The Earth and its colonies are anexed to their union and become dependent. But a faction of humans won't tolerate the subjugation of their race. The civil war is inevitable.
1 article
1 language
lacks description
contributors: dhok, Nortaneous
founder: dhok
4 books
7 articles
1 language
3 dictionaries
999 words
founder: Izambri
Ybrearmèlleon, a place far from the noise of the mundane reality.
1 article
1 language family
1 language
lacks description
Yng's stuff
founder: Yng
yngs stuff hands off
no content
lacks description
founder: Zontas
For selflangs of Zontas.
lacks description + synopsis
founder: k1234567890y
lacks description + synopsis
founder: k1234567890y
founder: Izambri
Books of the Arin
founder: justthehopeleft
the universe of the books of the arin
lacks description
Galactic Communion
founder: warbear
Billions of worlds united by the Hyperspase Travelling System and the Gallactic Hypernet can hardly be described in a brief summary. Uncounted races, nations, cultures and languages entangled in an intricate knot of relations and сontradictions, that's what it is. 
lacks description + synopsis
Reconstruction Game
contributors: dhok, Hallow XIII, Nortaneous, Risl
founder: dhok
The Myriad
founder: Matrix
All of Creation, as mediated by the Traveller Gods.

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