A generic portfolio for languages of alternate histories taking place primarily in North America. Because work on such languages first requires an alternate history, a thought-out scenario should be presented before a conlang may be entered into this portfolio.
A dyson sphere populated by life forcibly taken from across the multiverse. Very scientific magic and magic based technology. Most inhabitants do not know that they are on a sphere, only that the star filled sky is now starless and the world is not their own.
This is the story of the Dragon People, or the Children of 'e, their encounter with Outsiders from the Hole in the Sky, and their struggle with a changing Earth. It is backstory for Harmless Free Radicals and The Epic of Sally Robertson.
Named after one of the Romans' own demonyms for themselves, this universe looks at what could have happened if there had been a much greater and more stable Roman ethnic expansion across the Mediterranean, and what their Latin-descendant languages would look like today.
2 books 1 language family 2 languages 1 dictionary 1 word
lacks description
The Kölldrunn is a rogue star system ejected from the ESO 510-G13 Galaxy. It wanders deep space, consisting of the single star Alchaille and two planets. The first, for which this universe is named, is Kölldrunn, and the second, it's sister planet, is Wohlodt. In addition to these two planets, the Kölldrunn is privy to a single moon, merceceis, which is approximately 248 Kilometers in diameter, about 1/7th the size of the Earth moon.
An alternate-history look at Earth if Afro-Asiatic originated from a Germanic-Mandarin-others hybrid mess of a language and lizard-bird-men lived in the Americas.
The world of my novel/story in progress. There exists the real world, which exists as a parallel reality, and the world of Shavam, where there is a mortal and an divine realm separate from one another.
Tarra is an island on an undefined world. It's the home of the Tautínai and their neighbours. I might also post information on non-Tautisca side projects here.
A center of one of the biggest Hyperspace Clusters, Tawára is an important transport knot and in fact the financial, scientific and cultural capital of more then a hundred worlds.
This is a demonstration universe meant to show off Anthologica's universe management features. This text only appears in universe listings and on user profile pages.
Tens of thousands of years ago, before any written histories, a cosmic entity enamored with humans spread them across the universe. Then, much more recently, a legion of Romans and their camp-followers fell through the wormhole that led some of those humans to the 7th Planet. Here's how that shook out.
3 books 150 articles 21 language families 39 languages 22 dictionaries 1082 words
The only worlds that are easily summarized are those that have yet to be colonized. This is not such a world. But knowledge of others has been forgotten — hence the definite article.
8 articles 2 language families 4 languages 3 dictionaries 46 words
lacks description
In this universe, human society was nearly brought to its collapse by a fascist dictator, humans were only saved with the help of a more developped species: Sanoinam. The Earth and its colonies are anexed to their union and become dependent. But a faction of humans won't tolerate the subjugation of their race. The civil war is inevitable.
Billions of worlds united by the Hyperspase Travelling System and the Gallactic Hypernet can hardly be described in a brief summary. Uncounted races, nations, cultures and languages entangled in an intricate knot of relations and сontradictions, that's what it is.