Talk in a natlang, y'all
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Terra Firma / Talk in a natlang, y'all

? Serafín posts: 48
, 農, Canada
quoting dhok:
Myös, mä olen päättänyt mun kurssia Kreikkalaisen kielen eilen!
Also, I finished my Greek course yesterday!
Quō librō ūsī estis in cursū?
What book did you use in your course?

Iocōsum dūcō 汉语大词典 Han4yu3 Da4 Ci2dian3, "Lexicon Sīnicae Linguae Magnum", trāditiōnālibus charactēribus ūtī cum antīquōrum sententiās ostendit, sed simplificātīs cum in Sīnicam hodiernam vertit verba. Hī enim trāditiōnālia charactēra faciunt antīqua (et, fingō, apta ad lingua Sīnicam classicam), sed simplificāta hodierna.
I find it funny that the 汉语大词典 Han4yu3 Da4 Ci2dian3, "The Large/Comprehensive Chinese Dictionary", uses Traditional Chinese for quotations, but Simplified Chinese when it translates words into Mandarin. They see Traditional characters as "old" (and presumably proper for Classical Chinese), but Simplified ones as "modern".
? Torco Learner of Stuff
posts: 220
, Conversational Speaker message
i can't say anything interesting in chinese
? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
, 侯, Basel, Switzerland
更好: 我不会用汉语说任何有(趣/意思)的东西。
Better: I can't say anything interesting in Chinese.

可以 and 会 aren't entirely the same; when talking about skill or knowledge, usually 会 is best.

The Chinese like to use serial verbs, e.g. "use Chinese say X", also when you use 在 it tends to be in the front of the sentence: "I in China stayed a year", "in Chinese are used serial verbs".

最后,“趣”有点儿书面语,说话的时候一般用“有意思”,但“有趣(儿)” 也可以。
Finally, 趣 is a bit literary. Colloquially you tend to say 意思, but 趣 (often with Erhua in speech) is also okay.
? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
, 侯, Basel, Switzerland
I should start also writing pinyin. Maybe that would help me remember tone.
? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
, 侯, Basel, Switzerland
ji2gaa1 ngo5 hoi1ci2 hok6 gwong2dung1waa2 la3. ngo5 faat6jin3, on3ziu3 jyu6faat3 gwong2dung1waa2 tung4 gwok3jyu6 caa1m4do1.

Now I've started learning Cantonese. It turns out that there is not much difference in grammar between Canto and Mando.

(who knew???)

? Serafín posts: 48
, 農, Canada
Cantō Mandōque sunt ut Hispānica atque Catalāna/Lūsitāna—iocōsissimē similārēs. Utinam ut Hispānica atque Gallica essent...
Canto and Mando are like Spanish and Catalan/Portuguese—ridiculously similar. I wish they were like Spanish and French instead...
? Torco Learner of Stuff
posts: 220
, Conversational Speaker message
quoting Hallow XIII:
更好: 我不会用汉语说任何有(趣/意思)的东西。
Better: I can't say anything interesting in Chinese.

可以 and 会 aren't entirely the same; when talking about skill or knowledge, usually 会 is best.

The Chinese like to use serial verbs, e.g. "use Chinese say X", also when you use 在 it tends to be in the front of the sentence: "I in China stayed a year", "in Chinese are used serial verbs".

最后,“趣”有点儿书面语,说话的时候一般用“有意思”,但“有趣(儿)” 也可以。
Finally, 趣 is a bit literary. Colloquially you tend to say 意思, but 趣 (often with Erhua in speech) is also okay.

Oooooo... 非常感谢, dude, i'm still very much getting my head around the grammar.

That there's no inflection is refreshing, but i who speak both eng and spanish in highly syntactically unorthodox ways am starting to get the feeling strict word wonder is gonna be hard for me.
? thelettermu posts: 262
, Groovy Cat message
Now I've started learning Cantonese. It turns out that there is not much difference in grammar between Canto and Mando.

(who knew???)

Sans blague!
You don't say!
? dhok posts: 235
, Alkali Metal message
quoting Querubín:
quoting dhok:
Myös, mä olen päättänyt mun kurssia Kreikkalaisen kielen eilen!
Also, I finished my Greek course yesterday!
Quō librō ūsī estis in cursū?
What book did you use in your course?

Mä käyttäin Alpha to Omega. On aika hyvä- sä opet lisää, kuin Athenazessa, mutta se on paljon helpompaa kuin "Greek: An Intensive Course."
I used Alpha to Omega. It's pretty good- you learn more than in Athenaze, but it's much easier than "Greek: An Intensive Course."
? Thry posts: 55
, Gene, Spain
quoting Querubín:
Cantō Mandōque sunt ut Hispānica atque Catalāna/Lūsitāna—iocōsissimē similārēs. Utinam ut Hispānica atque Gallica essent...
Canto and Mando are like Spanish and Catalan/Portuguese—ridiculously similar. I wish they were like Spanish and French instead...

Vae! Hispanica Lusitanaque non sunt tam similares. Possunt. Sed Brasiliana[ ?] est insana interdum.
Woe! Spanish and Portuguese aren't so similar. Okay maybe they are. But Brazilian is crazy at times.
? dhok posts: 235
, Alkali Metal message
Lingua Lusitaniae ipsae est multo insaniora, quam lingua Brasiliae. Ecce vocales!
European Portuguese is much crazier than Brazilian. Look at the vowels!
? Jipí der saz ûf eime steine
posts: 291
, Transition Metal, Victoria, Canada
Quelles voyelles? Il n'y en a aucunes~
Which vowels? There aren't any~
? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
Questa discussione è morta... : (
This thread is dead... : (
? Jipí der saz ûf eime steine
posts: 291
, Transition Metal, Marburg, Germany
Et voilà j'ai pensé pour un moment que ça serait le catalan :\
And there I thought for a moment that that'd be Catalan  :\
? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
quoting Jipí, Transition Metal, Marburg, Germany:
Et voilà j'ai pensé pour un moment que ça serait le catalan :\
And there I thought for a moment that that'd be Catalan  :\

Practicament lenga catalana, òc
Practically Catalan, yeah.


Questa discussione è morta / Aquesta discussió és morta / Aquesta discussion es mòrta
? Serafín posts: 48
, 農, Canada
quoting Serafín, 番, Canada:
Cantō Mandōque sunt ut Hispānica atque Catalāna/Lūsitāna—iocōsissimē similārēs. Utinam ut Hispānica atque Gallica essent...
Canto and Mando are like Spanish and Catalan/Portuguese—ridiculously similar. I wish they were like Spanish and French instead...

Duo anni intercesserunt; nunc autem ea, quae Latine scribere solebam, iam non possum aspicere. Quid dixi "similares" cum me oportebat dicere "similes"?
Two years have passed, and now I can't look at the Latin I used to write. Why did I say "similares" when I should've said "similes"?

quoting dhok, Alkali Metal:
quoting Querubín:
quoting dhok:
Myös, mä olen päättänyt mun kurssia Kreikkalaisen kielen eilen!
Also, I finished my Greek course yesterday!
Quō librō ūsī estis in cursū?
What book did you use in your course?

Mä käyttäin Alpha to Omega. On aika hyvä- sä opet lisää, kuin Athenazessa, mutta se on paljon helpompaa kuin "Greek: An Intensive Course."
I used Alpha to Omega. It's pretty good- you learn more than in Athenaze, but it's much easier than "Greek: An Intensive Course."

J'essaie d'étudier un peu de grec quand je trouve du temps libre, et ce livre-là, From Alpha to Omega, est vraiment fantastique. Je suis d'accord qu'il est meilleur que l'Athenaze (version anglaise) au moins, en particulier à cause des petits détails historiques qui expliquent les irrégularités.
I'm trying to study a little Greek when I find some free time, and this book, From Alpha to Omega, is truly fantastic. I agree that it's better than (the English version of) Athenaze at least, especially because of the historical tidbits that explain the irregularities.
? dhok posts: 235
, Alkali Metal, Norman, United States
ἀλεθινὼς ἱστορικὸν βιβλίον περὶ τῆς γλώσσας τῆς ἑλληνικῆς, ᾧ ἥδε γλῶσσα ἔχει μανθάνεσθαι, ζήτεόν εστι. οἷον βιβλίον περὶ τῆς σανσκρίτης ἐστί, καὶ φασιν ὅτι ἀγαθὸν ᾖ, ἀλλὰ δὴ εὔωνον οὔκ ἐστι..
A book about Greek from a really historical perspective that you could learn the language with would be much-desired. Such a book exists for Sanskrit, and I've heard it's good, but it's not cheap.

ἐγώγ' ἐλπίζω τὸν Τϝάβα σὺν ἡμῖν τῇ ἑλληνικῇ τῇ παλαίᾳ ἄρξοντα γράφειν.
I, at least, hope that Twabs will start writing with us in Ancient Greek.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
mo no wo se ke to i ku pi ri o i ka ra ma ti to i su la pi ko i tu na ma i ka ra pe ne
μόνϝως ἤ κε τοῖ Κυπρίοι γράμματι τοῖ συλλαβικοῖ δυνᾶμαι γραφέν.

Only if I can write in the Cyprian syllabary.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
o we re to ri ka u wa ri si te ra se ka ra pa so wo ka tu a i sa na pa sa tu a a to lo ki ka
ὦ Ϝρητορικά, ὐϝαριστέρας γραφᾶς ὀϝ κατὺ αἶσαν ἄψατυ ἀ Ἀνθολογικά.

Rhetorica, Anthologica does not handle right-to-left writing correctly.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
me ta ki ko no so ko to me ne ko ro mi o ne ku wa ri si te ra se ka ra pa so wo ka tu a i sa na pa sa tu o te pu ro lo pe xe wi o e u a pa sa tu
μεταγιγνώσκω. τὸ μὲν Χρώμιόν γ᾽ ὐϝαριστέρας γραφᾶς ὀϝ κατὺ αἶσαν ἄψατυ· ὁ δὲ Πυρολώπηξ ϝιο εὖ γε ἄψατυ

I take it back. Chromium doesn't handle right-to-left writing correctly. Firefox handles it just fine.