Mîrkšam lexicon
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śân adv. At last; finally; eventually.
šâp vt. To be full of or filled with.
šara vi. To be amused or entertained.
šâs n. A enclosed part of a building; room or chamber.
šat vt. To discern and interpret meaning in.
śâtâ n. A fact or observation; datum.
seg vt. To replace.
šêj n. Viscous mud, slime.
sej vi. To be visible.
śejtra n. A land, region, or country.
śem n. Mind, in the philosophical sense.
šemek vt. To hunt.
śen n. A mixture or blend.
śen (2) vt. To be mixed or blended together with.
śerep vt. To carry; to bear.
šes vt. To have some concern or care for; to not be indifferent toward; to consider to matter or have some relevance or importance.
šet vi. To be surprised, startled, alarmed.
śet dg. Less, fewer.
sfa- na. Used to indicate every instance of the noun taken as a collective whole; every, all.
sfaj vt. To fear.
sfapaśôh n. The universe.
sfâsmor n. Mankind, humanity.
sfat vi. To be united, collected; to cohere; to be one.
sfe- na. Used to indicate every instance of the noun when viewed individually or simply when not specifically viewed as a whole; every; each.
sfêpâkên padv. Everywhere and at all times, throughout spacetime.
sfer vt. To be north (of).
sfir n. A specific point in or region of time; time; duration.
sfô​ padv. The interrogative pro-adverb asking for the substitution of a manner or way of doing something; how.
sfoj padv. The obviate pro-adverb for a manner; thereby; in that way.
sfôm n. A manner or way of doing something.
sfun padv. The proximate pro-adverb for a manner; thus; hereby; in this way.
shejt pn. The (hypothetical undeclined root of the) reflexive pronoun, used in place of the subject whenever the subject of the sentence would be used again in the same sentence; [referent]-self.
shi- va. Marks the participial mood, used to indicate that a verb is a shortened form of a subordinate clause in which the modified noun is the subject of the verb.
śhôj n. Rope; twine.
si n. Eight.
śi- va. Marks agreement with a subject in the plural number, used to indicate a number of entities specifically greater than one.
śîgâgetśês n. Animal husbandry.
ših- va. Marks the future tense, used for events, actions, or states of being that were taking place or valid at some point in the future.
śij det. A small number; few.
śimjen n. Probabilisticity and chance, which are viewed as semantically equivalent.
sîr n. Village; town; a small settlement without defensive walls.
sirte n. A season or time of the year; yeartide.
sirwes n. An aeon; age; era.
śis vi. To be small.
šîsjê n. Winter.
šite vi. To happen; to occur; to befall.
siûp n. Eight.
sja comp. Serves as a complementizer for (and thus introduces) all relative and adverbial clauses that have one word as the antecedent; what; who; which; that; where; when.
sje comp. Serves as a complementizer for (and thus introduces) relative clauses for which there are multiple coordinated antecedents, taken to be the word preceding “sje” and all the words conjoined to it.
smor n. A human; man.
sńîj vi. To be narrow.
šo​ prep. On the far side of or further away than; beyond; past.
śôh n. A specific point in or region of space; place; location.
śoh pn. The present-person personal pronoun, indicating an entity that is present but not being addressed or addressing; it; he; she.
šôm n. An organ used for vision; eye.
šôm (2) vt. To see.
sor prep. As part of; as a component in.
śorf vt. To speak, or, when used with “pûm”, to say the content of the paraphrasal clause marked by “pûm”.
śorof vt. To speak a particular language.
šoś n. An growth on a stationary photosynthetic organism edible by humans; an edible fruit or vegetable.
śothu n. An abstract whole composed of relationships between its members; a system.
śothutmašmi n. A grammar.
šrać n. A direct answer to a direct question.
śrep vi. To be capable of decreasing internal entropy; to live.
śrepšo vt. To live past or through; to survive.
sreti n. Middle; centre.
šu prep. Used to modify nouns derived from verbs, taking as an object the accusative object of the original verb.
prep. Denotes a comitative relation between the modified noun and the object of the preposition, indicating accompaniment.
šur prep. Below.
šût vt. To experience an emotional state about; to sense or think emotionally; to feel.
suz vi. To live or reside at a particular place; to dwell; to inhabit.
swa dg. As much.
swaj vi. To be twisted or curled.
šwakirm n. The time at which an object begins to exist, an action begins, or a state of being becomes valid; beginning; inception; time of genesis.
szih n. An entity that internally decreases entropy which lays eggs to produce young, respirates in direct contact with air, has an endoskeletal structure, is carnivorous, and has no limbs; snake or legless lizard.
szimje pv. The proximate pro-verb; do this.
t​ na. (//archaic//) Used to nominalize a genitive noun, equivalent to ‹pzi› + [genitive noun].
ta n. Five.
tajma vi. To be beautiful or wonderful (in nature, not in appearance or aesthetics).
tak vt. To make from component materials; to produce; to put together; to build; to assemble.
tâkum n. An underground cavity; cave; cavern.
tâphok vt. To physically contend with in conflict; to fight.
taram n. A headdress fashioned to resemble a halo or sun, signifying lofty authority or some other high or superhuman status; crown.
taramit n. One worthy of or crowned with a crown (//tarum//), or one destined to be so crowned.
tâśk n. A small rigid container that can be used to carry objects; basket; box.
taûp n. Five.
te- na. Marks the singulative number, used to indicate a number of entities exactly equal to one.
teheš n. Determinism and fate, viewed as semantically equivalent.
ter vi. To remain; to still stay; to be left; to endure or survive.
tih adv. Maybe; perhaps.
tim vt. To be beside or alongside.
tiś vt. To employ; to use; to utilize.
tjam adv. Also; in addition; either (when used as an adverb).
tjêmâs n. Any small obligate-parasitic entity that internally decreases entropy which has an exoskeletal structure, cannot fly, and attaches to the surface of its host's body to feed on skin, blood, or secretions; louse or itch mite.
tmaš n. An organ which manipulates food in the mouth; tongue.
tojp vi. To be wide.
tôktô vi. To walk.
tôm n. Nail (of fingers or toes).
tran vi. To be awake.
trat vt. To work; to labor; to toil.

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