Oshaharu Language - Roots and Vocabulary
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kɯ̂ɰ r. fraternity, brotherhood, camraderie
lá r. logic, reasoning
lǎj r. nobility, high social status
lâj v. to need, to require
lâɰ r. necessity, need
lãɰ̃ r. agreement, concordance
lǎɰ v. to learn, to study
r. human, man
lɛ́ p. inside, within
lɛj v. to be full, to be complete
lɛ̌j v. to be born, to be birthed
lɛ̌ɰ r. spice, seasoning, herb
lɛ̂ɰ r. sibling
lí r. glory, splendor, honor
lǐj r. war, conflict, strife
r. fiber, thread, hair
lɨ̀ r. myth, fable, story
ljá r. psyche, mind, consciousness
ljǎɰ̃ r. dragon, mythical reptile
ljɛ̂ɰ r. wish, request, plea, prayer
lɔj r. snake; worm; legless terrestrial animal
lɔɰ r. village, settlement, town
lɔ̌ɰ r. love (romantic)
lɔ̂ɰ r. relationship, tie
r. realm, earth
lɯ̌j r. host, sponsor, inviter
lɯ̌ɰ r. oil, fat
mà r. bitterness, bitter taste
maj r. sheep, ovine
mǎj v. to desire, to want
mâj r. spouse, husband, wife
mâɰ v. to be empty, to be incomplete
mǎɰ r. equine, horse
mãɰ̃ r. liquid, fluid, sauce, beverage
p. subject marker, subject particle
mɛ́ r. desire, want
mɛj v. to be bad, to be invalid
mɛ̌j v. to be authentic, to be real, to be true, to be genuine
mɛɰ r. vote, choice
mɛ̌ɰ r. soil, terrain, earth (substance)
p. until, up to
mǐj r. lord, ruler
mɨ̂j v. to be dull, to be dim, to be dark (not luminous)
mjà r. trio, three
mja r. ending, termination
mjɛ r. loss (object)
mjɛ̂ɰ v. to be soft (physically), to be weak (physically)
r. thought, idea
mɔ̀ r. creation, making
mɔ̌j r. infiniteness, uncountability
mɔ̌ɰ r. coat, covering, mantle
mɔ̌ɰ̃ r. dust, powder, sand
mɯj r. temporariness, being fleeting or ephemeral
mɯ̌j r. eye, lens
p. relativizing particle
ná r. season, period
na r. puissance, might, power, strength
nâɰ r. wealth, treasure
nâɰ̃ r. alcohol, wine, spirituous beverage
nâɰjɛ́ c. bank, treasury
p. object marker/particle
nɛ́ r. scroll, book, text
nɛɰ r. ownership, possession
nɛ̌ɰ̃ r. cat, feline
ní r. genesis, beginning, birth, start
nɨ́ r. shard, piece
njaɰ r. mother, female parent
nɔ̌j v. to be bright, to be luminous, to be vivid
p. verbal negation particle
ŋá r. power, ability
ŋà r. death, cessation of life, end
ŋǎj v. to hold, to possess, to have
ŋǎɰ r. chili pepper
ŋɛ r. location, place
ŋɛ̀ p. imperative particle, jussive particle
ŋɛ̂j v. to be located, to dwell, to stay
ŋɛná c. where
ŋɛ̃ɰ̃ r. nose, olfactory apparatus
ŋì r. sin, evil, disobedience
ŋîj r. one hundred, five score, century
ŋǐj v. to appear, to seem
ŋîjpɔ̀ c. fifty, half a century
ŋɨ r. moon
ŋjá r. fissure, chasm
ŋjɛ́ r. aura, soul
ŋɔ́ r. benefit, contribution, allowance (money), stipend
ŋɔ̌j p. causative marker
ŋɔ̂ɰ r. ignorance
ŋɯ̌j r. color, tint, hue
ŋɯj r. north
ŋɯ̂ɰ r. opposition, disagreement, not being an ally
r. child, offspring, seed
pá r. quintet, hand, five
pǎj v. to be blue-purple
pǎj r. name, appelation
pǎjkɔʔɛ c. six, sextet
pǎjmjàʔɛ c. eight, octet
pǎjt͡sjɛʔɛ c. nine, group of nine
pǎjʔájɛ c. seven, septet
pámjà c. fifteen

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