Modern Punic Dictionary
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ar nm. mound, heap, pile
arbe nm. locust
arboa numm. four (M)
ărəs nm. request, petition; order (as of a product)
aṛwe nm. lion
aṛγɔḷ nm. storm cloud
ăš conj. but, however
ásǝr numm. ten (M)
áttər nf. goodness; glory, wonder, splendor, magnificence
ăttier adj. big, large, great; strong, mighty, powerful
ăttoar adj. empowering
ăttsoθ numf. five (F)
attud nm. billy goat
ăvd nm. slave
áwǝn nm. stone, rock
áwɔl nm. leash, lead (rope for leading animals); strap
az conj. and then, then, next, and
ăžžo nf. red deer (Cervus elaphus)
ažγaroθ nf. plain, flat land
ăγboar nm. mouse
ăγeaṛ nm. plant
áγǝm nm. femur; (coll) skeleton
aγie nm. half
ăθă pn. you, yourself (2sg masc pronoun)
ăθi pn. you, yourself (2sg fem pronoun)
b- ppf. PREP (in, on, while, consisting of, etc)
báḍăṇ nm. belly, stomach
baddzɔl nm. iron
baləs pn. no one
báqɔḷ nm. mule
bbṛoẓ nf. window
bdo - ibḍə vG. invent, come up with; decide, settle on, come to the conclusion; plan
bdoθ nf. piece, portion, part; section; slice
beaγɔẓ nf. egg
beqqeṛ - ibqqeṛ vD. examine, take a close look at, inspect
beqqeẓ - ibqqeẓ vD. intend to, try to
beṛṛeq - ibṛṛeq vD. shine a light on, light up, illuminate
berrex - ibrrex vD. bless
bettsel - ibttsel vD. boil (tr)
beθ nm. house; building
beθθer - ibθθer vD. cut up all of them, divide all of them
bə́rəx nm. knee
bəžžol - ippəžžɔl vG. take possession of, inherit
bəžžos - ippəžžəs vG. stink, be putrid, smell bad
bəθ nf. daughter
bɛneyəs adj. bold(ly), careless(ly), reckless(ly)
bɛs nm. stink (n), stench, bad smell
bi part. hopefully, ideally, I hope that; let's, come on
bier nf. well
bin prep. between
bixoθ nf. kestrel
bko - ibkʷə vG. scream, wail, bawl
bla nm. salt
ble adj. worn, faded
ble - ibḷə vG. be worn, faded; wear out, fade
blo - ibḷə vG. eat
blol - ibḷəḷ vG. confuse; mingle, mix
blu nm. fodder, provender
bmʷea prep. in the heart of, deep inside
bno - ibṇə vG. do, act, make
bnoθ nf. action, deed
bod nm. invention; conclusion; plan
bod (2) nm. wing of a building
bɔl adv. no, not, NEG
bɔ́ṛəq nm. lightning
brəxoθ nf. blessing
bro - ibṛə vG. create, make, fashion
brod nm. ice
bṛoq - ibṛəq vG. shine, flash, gleam, glint
brɔθ numf. four (F)
brux adj. happy, blessed, lucky, fortunate (mostly used as a proper name)
bsel adj. boiled
bsel - ibẓɔḷ vG. boil (intr)
bu- part. cislocative verbal prefix
bʷear nm. guest; friend
bʷerrer - ibʷrrer vD. be friends with, befriend
bʷəb nm. hole
bʷəbboθ nf. cheese
bʷəd prep. through, by, by means of, from, of, out of
bʷəḍḷ nm. size, magnitude; greatness
bʷəḍḷuθ nf. greatness, glory, splendor
bʷə́ṛəṇ nm. flat surface
bʷə́wa nm. height; level; amount, number
bʷoddz - ibʷuddz vG. pierce, stab; intersect with
bʷonn - ibʷunn vG. understand, discern, perceive
bʷopp - ibʷupp vG. be with; assist with, provide assistance, help out; work with SO (both figurative and literally—at a job together)
bʷorr - ibʷurr vG. be a guest
bʷṛoẓ nm. juniper
bʷuroθ nf. payment; agreement, contract, pact; terms of an agreement
bʷuzoθ nf. kid, child, tyke
bʷuγ nm. mussel
bγɔ nm. onion
bθor - ibẓəṛ vG. slice/cut in half, divide
bθux prep. inside, within, amidst
dammoθ nf. silence
ḍăppaẓ nf. token (of); road sign, traffic light
dawr nm. wilderness
ḍbeq - iḍbʷəq vG. be in the same place; be in a location, be there, be here
ḍeaṇ nm. millet
demme - idmme vD. compare

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