Modern Punic Dictionary
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nixo - inxɔl vnG. be sipped, be nibbled
nizo - inzea vnG. be seen, looked at
niγof - inγăf vnG. take offense
nmer nm. leopard
nmo nf. ant
nol nm. canyon
nówǝθ nf. honey
nɔr nm. river
nɔs nm. snake
nun nm. saltwater fish
ódǝs nm. moon
ol part. don't (negative imperative)
om nm. kinsman, relative
om (2) adj. hot
ommoθ nf. kinswoman, relative
ott nm. rodent
oxxin conj. for this reason, therefore
ɔd numm. one (M)
ɔḍḍuθ nf. sadness
ɔddz nm. cedar
ɔddzonnɛm intj. to good fortune! (a toast)
ɔff nm. ox
ɔffie conj. in accordance with, deriving from, due to, by reason of
ɔffim num. thousand
ɔfne prep. facing; against, counter to; opposite
ɔl prep. marks definite, animate direct objects; forms accusative pronouns
ɔmm nm. groom
ɔmmăθ nf. widow
ɔmmoθ nf. bride
ɔpp nm. lard
ɔqq nm. fate, destiny, lot
ɔr prep. behind
ɔre nm. other, the rest of (construct plural form)
ɔ́rəb nm. sword
ɔ́rəg nm. loom
ɔ́ṛəγ nf. country (nation-state); land, earth
ɔxă pn. you (2sg masc accusative pronoun)
ɔxi pn. you (2sg fem accusative pronoun)
ɔ́xxăm pn. you (2pl masc accusative pronoun)
ɔ́xxim pn. you (2pl fem accusative pronoun)
ɔθ numf. one (F)
pkɔṛ nm. bull (male cattle)
pkɔṛɔẓ nf. cow (female cattle)
psom nm. balsam
psor nm. food
qăḍḍ nm. weapon
qašṭɔr nm. tower
qeiẓaṛ nm. king, ruler, leader
qma nm. flour
qṇa nm. reed
Qɔḍḍ name. City, Town, -ville (in place names)
qɔṛ nm. old man; grandfather
qɔ́ṛəṇ nm. animal horn; projection, point
qqʷum interr. why?, why; where?, where; there
qṛoaṛ nm. frog, toad
qššu nm. cucumber, melon
qʷppa nm. goblet, drinking cup
qʷu nf. noise, sound; echo
qʷγγʷəẓ nm. hedgehog
raasim nm. council
reaθ nf. lung
reim nm. (large) wild animal (especially dangerous ones)
req adj. empty
rɛl nm. ewe
rɛm nm. womb
rɛš nf. fishing net
ṛoγbbeaγɔẓ nf. egg yolk
rɔšxəmmʷun nm. payment
rus nm. cape; promontory
ruwe nm. shepherd
šáfər nm. record (n); evidence; implication, suggestion
sámǝn nm. smen
sámǝs nf. day (opposite of night)
sămʷu nm. left side
sar nm. gate
sar (2) nm. dawn, morning
săθ nf. year
se nm. lamb
sem nm. name
sem (2) adj. sorry, penitent; I'm sorry!, excuse me!, pardon me!
šeššmʷun nm. sesame
seθuθ nf. large intestines
šǝxr nm. memory; mention; remain, remnant; reminder; track, sign
sən nm. fang, tusk
səs numm. six (M)
šəγḷ nm. milking pail
šfa nm. family, clan
šfoθ nf. edge, border
sibloθ nf. cloak
sier nm. flesh, meat
škkǝrrun nm. memorial
šluθ numm. three (M)
šluθoθ numf. three (F)
šmim nm. sky
šmor - išmʷəṛ vG. sing
šmoθ nf. glass
šmʷunie numm. eight (M)
šmʷunoθ numf. eight (F)
šnem numm. two (M)
šnon - išṇəṇ vG. provide with food/supplies, provision

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