Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread

? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis message
I'm not.

I should fuck with the morphophonology in this but I'm not sure how to fit that into my notes.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Weta soudi tera śa mewa cøy joraśita.
wɛtasome sɔu̯thing.ACC-ðiACC.SG tɛranow ɕathis language.INST-waINST.SG tsœy̯actually say-raable.to-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG
I can actually say something in this language now.
? ngwe ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
posts: 15
, Foreigner message
I am.

Dbas1S.COP=NEG ena.stand
I am not.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
one timekíarastart-ACT-F.SG.ACC vizé!be-3SG.PRS
That's a start!
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Taha bamegi båśata.
taxasame βathink-mɛɣINST-iACC.SG βɒthink-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG.
I have the same thought.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Tila medameci joha soudut ća nyd robidohubuta nei dei moohédone.
tilafalse mɛðlanguage.ABL-amɛPOSS.1SG-tsiABL.SG jɔxamore sɔu̯thing.ACC-ðutACC.PL ɕathis nyplace.DAT-ðDAT.SG onto-βiput-ðɔshould-xuDAT.3SG.C-βuACC.3PL.A-taNOM.1SG nɛi̯and ðɛi̯also mɔ:so-xedo-ðɔshould-NOM.2SG
I should put more things about my conlang on here, and you should too.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
I am lonely in here.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Σωλεζῐ ηθελῐϩω ϥινδρή! Σα νᾴτῑ τῑτινάρα ϥιτά!
Solezíless éthelíholonely-M.SG.S_COMP vindré!COP-2.SG.IMP Sa1-F.SG.NOM naitínew títinaraletter-CLASS-F.SG.ACC vita!COP-1.SG.LIQ
Be less lonely! I have a new alphabet!
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Latinahalanåsi naraśetaci je motrenåta.
latinaLatin-xaladraw-nɒsRES-iACC.SG narause-ɕɛACC.3SG.B-taNOM.1SG-tsiABL.SG because mɔtrɛcreative-un-taNOM.1SG
And I am being uncreative in using Latin script.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Λατῐνα ῦεμνωκωνιδτάναι ῐρεζη και, εκλά!
Latína wemnokonidtanai írezé kai, ekla!
la'ti:nalatin-SG.F.NOM wɛmno:ko:nɪ'ɾaːnaɪepic_literature-element-PL.F.ACC 'i:ɹɛze:have-3.SG.AOR kaɪ,GNO ɛ'kla!however
Latin has its moments of greatness, though!
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Latinahalanåsa kari juka tatredå.
latinaLatin-xaladraw-nɒsRES-aNOM.SG karivery jukaEMPH tatrɛversatile-ðɒNOM.3SG.B
Latin script is quite versatile in deed.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Perbektibaturi tila medamed pema pueteri gøćahåhuśata.
pɛrβɛktiβaperfective-turPROP-iACC.SG tilafalse mɛðlanguage.DAT-amɛPOSS.1SG-ðDAT.SG pɛmasomewhat puə̯tɛdifficult-riADV ɣœtɕafix-need-xuDAT.3SG.C-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG
I have had to fix perfectivity in my conlang, which was somewhat difficult.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Eklabut otalata,now-F.SG.T_LOC ézelhizhé!make_perfect-PASS.3.SG.PRS Desthus zanlekíúbedré,justify-2.SG.PAST zú.yes
But now it's perfect! Thus you were justified, yes.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Telotura migenodó téli tera déwénaśetat.
tɛlɔtelic-turPROP-aNOM.SG miɣɛfunction-GEN.3SG.B-ðoNOM.3SG.C temanner.ACC-lGEN.SG-iACC.SG tɛranow ðetry-wenadetermine-ɕɛACC.3SG.B-taNOM.1SG-tIPFV
Now I am trying to determine how telicity works.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
hindirektibaturi tila medamed dekahuśata.
xɪ̃ːðirɛktiβaindirective-turPROP-iACC.SG tilafalse mɛðlanguage.DAT-amɛPOSS.1SG-ðDAT.SG ðɛkaadd-xuDAT.3SG.C-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG
I have added indirectivity to my conlang.

Måde tueralut mohahośata.
mɒðɛfew tuə̯ralexample.ACC-utACC.PL mɔxachange-need.to-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG
I have had to change a few of my examples.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Dhísúebeneí!curious-give-PTC.ADJ Peneneiexample-PL.N.ACC idzhindragive-2.SG.OPT dí?Q
How curious! Will you give examples?
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Tierralåt nylkkuset wogueserasu.
tiə̯rːalexample.NOM-ɒtNOM.PL nylkːthread.LOC-usɛtLOC.PL here-ɣuə̯find-PASS.STAT-raable.to-suNOM.3PL.C
Examples can be found in the threads here.

Tierrala søsid dodi teśidó:
tiə̯rːalexample.NOM-aNOM.SG after-sigo-ðIPFV ðɔ3SG.A.ACC-ðiACC.SG be-ɕiACC.3SG.AðoNOM.3PL.C
An example is as follows:

"Bettimena kommi śesaśi Rugil nei nahatinnelet biderécut muetedó."
βɛtːpeople-imɛPOSS.1SG-naNOM.SG kɔmːsun.ACC-iACC.SG ɕɛsaassociated-ɕiACC.3RD.A ruɣRuki.GEN-ilGEN.SG nɛi̯and naxahuman-tinːyoung.woman.GEN-ɛlɛtGEN.PL βiðchild.ABL-ɛrePOSS.3SG.B-tsutABL.PL muə̯tɛdescend-ðoNOM.3SG.C-reINDIR
"My people are, I hear, descended from the children of Ruki, who is associated with the Sun, and human girls."

Hame tierrala søsid dodi teśidó:
xamɛother tiə̯rːalexample.NOM-aNOM.SG after-sigo-ðIPFV ðɔ3SG.A.ACC-ðiACC.SG be-ɕiACC.3SG.AðoNOM.3PL.C
Another example is as follows:

"Weta hame paattåt paatimédut wińe keebusa."
wɛtasome xamɛother pɑːtːgod.NOM-ɒtNOM.PL pɑːtgod.ACC-imeðPOSS.1PL-utACC.PL wiɲɛhowever kɛːbe.like-βuACC.3PL.A-saNOM.3PL.A-reINDIR
"However, some other gods are obviously like our own gods."

Pite pila halanåsåt nei pote halanåsåt kunasi
pidown-be piladark xaladraw-nɒsRES-ɒtNOM.PL nɛi̯and pɔtɛdark xaladraw-nɒsRES-ɒtNOM.PL kunasignificant-siNOM.3PL.B
The lower bold (lit. dark) text and italic (lit. slanted) text is significant.
? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis message
zha1S khar-sthing-ACC qol-elanguage-POS zh-m-e1S-GEN-POS TibeteTibet-POS zuINSTR 0-phro-lux1T-be_made-CAUS.INT-3.ABS
I'm writing this conlang in Tibetan script.
? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
, message
Mana i wamida yahi ya Pakasa-Pay wani nguyada i!
mana i wa-mida yah-i i-a pakasa-pa-i wani nguyada i
AUX 3SG MAIN-need 2SG-DAT 3SG-ACC 'Phags-Pa-DAT in write ACT

You need to write it in 'Phags-Pa!
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Saba seina kimenudewå.
saβaeither sɛi̯thing.NOM-naNOM.SG kimɛhave.interest-nuCAUS.STAT-ðɛNOM.3SG.A-SUBJ
Either would be interesting.