Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Narase peronominut dare gurabudeci je botede.
narause-PASS.STAT pɛrɔnɔminpronoun.ACC-utACC.PL ðarɛgreatly ɣurareduce-βuACC.3PL.A-ðɛNOM.3SG.A-tsiABL.SG because βɔtɛuseful-ðɛNOM.3SG.A
It is useful because it greatly reduces the pronouns in use.
? Jipí der saz ûf eime steine
posts: 291
, Transition Metal message
Sa ming gumongyang naynay eda-turavang :\
SaPT mingbe.supposed.to gumwork-ong-IRR-yang-1SG.A naynayas.well eda=this=turavangproblem-T :\:\
I should also work on this problem :\
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Śa behil moorki høśatawådi tośekaśita.
ɕaPROX βɛxproblem.GEN-ilGEN.SG mɔːrksolution.ACC-iACC.SG like-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG-SUBJ-ðiACC.SG tɔɕɛsure-kaNEG-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG
I'm not sure I like the solution to this problem.
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Lumlumthen/thus togralsutogralsu-∅language-abs šalujeqhašalu-eq-xasave/redeem-act.nonfin-gen hihifor/about salkajéqsalka-éqnecessary.aux lelirnalaslelir-na-lasdestroy-intent-dyn ii?iioptative.clitic
Is it necessary to destroy the language in order to save it?
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Migetå cesa moorki koba gueśataréwå.
miɣɛfunction-may tsɛsapossible mɔːrksolution.ACC-iACC.SG kɔβapast.now ɣuə̯find-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG-reINDIR-SUBJ
I think I have found a possible solution that might work.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Berbåt nominatiba kasi nei hakkusatiba kasi nei datiba kasi tebu weta kasut nei ki hame kasut loorajérabusawå.
βɛrβverb.NOM-ɒtNOM.PL nɔminatiβanominative kascase.ACC-iACC.SG nɛi̯and xakːusatiβaaccusative kascase.ACC-iACC.SG nɛi̯and ðatiβadative kascase.ACC-iACC.SG be-βuACC.3PL.A wɛtasome kascase.ACC-utACC.PL nɛi̯and kino xamɛother kascase.ACC-utACC.PL lɔːraagree-jeCAUS.DYN-raable.to-βuACC.3PL.A-saNOM.3PL.A-SUBJ
I could make verbs agree with some cases, that is, nominative case, accusative case, and dative case, and not other cases.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Elúthat-N.SG.NO ka saravíyerúEMPH=desirable-COMP-N.SG.NOM víza.be-3.SG.LIQ
That is so much better.

Dzíwhat novíother mazilleraischematic-PL.N.SG BútanílasButani-DAT.F.SG írídtahave-2.SG.LIQ dí?GNO
What other plans do you have for Butani?
? Hâlian the Protogen
posts: 141
, Alípteza message
Â,INTJ man-u-sall-2P-ERG heik-eð.greet-1PP
Oh, hey all.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Makrala sistela sini tera teśiwå des sinatibetawa ropuse madi dekatåśatawå.
makrasouth-laADJ sistɛwest-laADJ sinchina.ACC-iACC.SG tɛranow be-ɕiACC.3SG.A-SUBJ ðɛLOC.3SG.A-sLOC.SG sinatiβɛtSino-Tibetan.INST-awaINST.SG rɔpuinspire-PASS.STAT maðlanguage.ACC-iACC.SG ðɛkaadd-may-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG-SUBJ
I might add a Sino-Tibetan-inspired language in what would now be southwest China.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Welcome back. (Lit: Be welcomed back.)
? ngwe ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
posts: 15
, Foreigner message
quoting Travis B.:
Makrala sistela sini tera teśiwå des sinatibetawa ropuse madi dekatåśatawå.
makrasouth-laADJ sistɛwest-laADJ sinchina.ACC-iACC.SG tɛranow be-ɕiACC.3SG.A-SUBJ ðɛLOC.3SG.A-sLOC.SG sinatiβɛtSino-Tibetan.INST-awaINST.SG rɔpuinspire-PASS.STAT maðlanguage.ACC-iACC.SG ðɛkaadd-may-ɕaACC.3SG.C-taNOM.1SG-SUBJ
I might add a Sino-Tibetan-inspired language in what would now be southwest China.

Sa iŋa hwáacii, xú tsáa únúhtaha.
Don't do that, I wanted to make one.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Koba betturi tomypaśita!
kɔβapast.now βɛtːu1.ORD-riADV PFV-mypasuggest-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG
I suggested it first!
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Jeijeivocative.particle nauha,nauha-∅people-abs jeijeivocative.particle nauha,nauha-∅people-abs péséneqoqpésén·eq-oq-∅suffice·act.deverb-3npl.poss-abs silokiloqsilokilo-oq-∅imaginary-3npl.poss-abs čantemoibéloqčantemoibélo-oq-∅Southwestern-3npl.poss-abs TşuŋkwoqTşuŋkwo-oq-∅China njélozanjé·lo-zaeach-erg télzatél-za2pers.pron-erg ešiŋkoešiŋkoas čapajapčapa-ai-apown-sub-2p.tr irti!irti-∅exist-3p.intr
People, people, there are enough imaginary Southwestern Chinas for each of you to have your own!
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Elúthat-N.SG.NOM tsènúthat_COMP-N.SG.ACC lai3-N.PL.NOM tsènúthat_COMP-N.SG.NOM berilíimaginary YuropaiEurope-F.PL.NOM vokeinbe-PROPH.3.PL ethellessay-PST.3.PL vàébe-AOR.3.SG kai!GNO
That is what they said about the imaginary Europes!
[literally: That is what they said that the imaginary Europes would be!]

(Also, holy crap, I actually got to use the prophetic tense in a real sentence.)
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Cåte sånåt makrala sistela sinut warabuteiwådi pankeśita.
tsɒtɛall NOM.1PL-nɒtNOM.PL makrasouth-laADJ sistɛwest-laADJ sinchina.ACC-utACC.PL wahave-raable.to-βuACC.3SG.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ-ðiACC.SG pɑ̃ːkɛsuppose-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG
I suppose we can all have our own southwestern Chinas.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Bettusehi toriśacut je madi nukaśadi lydaśitadi nou jośitat.
βɛtːu1.ORD-sɛxABST-iACC.SG tɔriallege-ɕaACC.3SG.C-tsutABL.SG because maðlanguage-iACC.SG nukawork-ɕaACC.3SG.C-ðiACC.SG lyðarefuse-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG-ðiACC.SG nɔu̯solely say-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG-tIPFV
I just say that I will not desist from working on a language due to allegations of priority.
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Sasa1sg.f.pron olíolíthis.adj tríaratría-racountry.f-acc tsarhatsa-rhathat.f-accom hitshahahitsha-haarea-ncom ililof FrasaFrasaFrance vezhév-ezhébe-3sg.aor kaikaigno kílosité!kílos-iténame/claim-1sg.pres
MessenTools.com-Flag-of-France.png I claim this land for France! MessenTools.com-Flag-of-France.png
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Íà!hey! Rísarípermission krônpaper-M.SG.ACC elíkéthat-NF.SG.DAT aly'NEG.adv íridré!have-PST.2.SG
Hey! You don't have a licence for that!
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Eklaeklabut indef.art dzírezildaradzírezilda-rarepresentation.carrier-acc.sg írité…ír-itéhave-1sg.pres
But I have a flag…

trúindrétrú-indrésee-2sg.imper dí?Q
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Egwé,maybe elathat-F.SG.NOM roparapossibility-F.SG.ACC vezébe-AOR.3.SG lí...INFER
I suppose that's possible...