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Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-16 02:41:05) :
[b]Oshella thelwidhe, latése éqra díkwaki 'l tshíkoto lósa qúe íanwi lai aly' haitése.[/b]
[small]For the purposes of my diary, I stopped that I use explanations of grammar because I didn't gain with them.[/small]
Personally, I stopped using glosses because they were of no benefit to me.
owned by Rhetorica, last edited 2015-08-16 02:41:05.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 23:07:14) :
[b]Gendzhretaité kezúasí ri títinai.[/b]
I have been offended by your script.
owned by Rhetorica, last edited 2015-08-15 23:07:15.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 19:42:53) :

[b]kya ke moya nayo yomu![/b]
Go read about my script!
owned by masako, last edited 2015-08-15 19:42:53.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 18:25:14) :
[b]Qa gaq smeryī māḥēyt sansʼotʼnowtut yirġan krā eryī māth sʼotʼnowt.[/b]
[qa ɡaq smeʑiː maːħæːjt sãtsʼotʼnowtut jirʁã kraː eʑiː maːtʰ tsʼotʼnowt]
[g DEF]Qa[/g][g -3SI]-∅[/g] [g original]gaq[/g][g -3SI]-∅[/g] [g NEG=]sam=[/g][g over:DYN=]eryi=[/g][g CAUS-]ʸi-[/g][g go]ʸi[/g][g -3SI]-∅[/g] [g passage]māḥa[/g][g -SING]-ey[/g][g -SI]-t[/g][g -ABS]-∅[/g] [g NEG=]sam=[/g][g before=]sʼo=[/g][g see]q[/g][g -PST]-d[/g][g -PERF]-n[/g][g -WIT]-ow[/g][g -1S>3SI]-t[/g][g -NOM]-ʷu[/g][g -SI]-t[...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2015-08-15 18:44:34.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 03:10:06) :
[b]Ḥāqʼ santūxp yüwt câna sʼêqyöwt kha phišyöw.
Câna ḥāqʼ tasʼowrətho kha sma yüwt wow.
Qʼāb. Qʼāb. Qʼāb. Qʼāb. Qʼāb. Qʼāb. Qʼāb.[/b]

[ħaːqʼ sãtoːχp jywt ʕaːnɐ tsʼeːkʲøwt kʰɐ pʰiɕøw ‖
ʕaːnɐ ħaːqʼ tɐtsʼowrɨtʰo kʰɐ smɐ jywt wow ‖
qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb ‖ qʼaːb]

owned by Travis B., last edited 2015-08-15 16:39:24.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 15:14:39) :
[b]Etes daolrelshire faldaginai[/b]
Etes da-olrelshire fal-da-gi-nai
give SUBJ-heaven [1]-SUBJ-much-PL

[b]Etes dasanai chiorelshire falda|ae[/b]
Etes da-san-nai chi-orelshire fal-da-|a-e
give SUBJ-3-PL SOBJ-heaven [1]-SUBJ-no-thing

chos. chos. chos. chos. chos. chos. chos.
kill. kill. kill. kill. kill. kill. kill

[1] "Fol" construction is used to chain sentences ("I'm watching you watch him") and link objects with people, such as with trades, as use...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-15 15:14:39.
Maps (2015-08-15 14:53:31) :
Proposed names for Pluto's geography.


Larger [|here] (3600 x 1800 px)

And Charon.


owned by Izambri, last edited 2015-08-15 15:01:31.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 14:13:29) :
[b]uatla tasi[/b]
That's funny.
owned by masako, last edited 2015-08-15 14:13:29.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-06-22 17:14:05) :
[b]Bèr iseu è lleós 3637![/b]
Have a nice summer and a happy 3637!
owned by Izambri, last edited 2015-08-15 13:26:07.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 13:15:16) :
[b]It tirnmacec da ont aune, està tus ir donsi.[/b]
I translated that one once, but I can't find the text now.
owned by Izambri, last edited 2015-08-15 13:15:16.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 07:59:54) :
[b]emya ka[/b]
What's happening?
owned by masako, last edited 2015-08-15 07:59:54.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 03:42:23) :
[g heaven]ɕɛɛyɕ[/g] [g 3S>3P-]ʔɛ̀ɛ̀-[/g][g bear]piɲ[/g] [g thing]bùy[/g] [g of]ɣùù[/g] [g count]tsel[/g][g -without]-bɔ̀ɽ[/g] [g people]ɣìdǫ̀ǫ̀[/g] [g 3P-]dʑàʔ-[/g][g nurture]pɛθɛŋ[/g][g -NMLZ]-gi[/g] [g CMPL]mɛɛ[/g]
[g people]ɣìdǫ̀ǫ̀[/g] [g thing]bùy[/g] [g one]ʈɔ̀ɔ̀[/g] [g 3P-]dʑàʔ-[/g][g be.without]bɔ̀ɽ[/g] [g heaven]ɕɛɛyɕ[/g] [g 3S-]iʔ-[/g][g return]θuv[/g][g -NMLZ]-gi[/g] [g CMPL]mɛɛ[/g]
[g kill]dʑùg[/g] [g kill]dʑùg[/g] [g kill]dʑùg[/g] [g kill]dʑùg[/g] [g kill]dʑùg[...
owned by Hallow XIII, last edited 2015-08-15 03:42:23.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 01:17:56) :
[b]Smâfat noxwun yełāḥeytut ḥe âfat noxwunan wôwrn yêyöwt.[/b]
[smɐːfɐt nɔχʷɔ̃ jeɬaːħɛjtut ħɛ ɐːfɐt nɔχʷonã woːwrn jeːjøwt]
[g NEG=]Sam=[/g][g like]âfa[/g][g -1S>3SI]-t[/g] [g language]noxwu[/g][g -PI]-n[/g][g -ABS]-∅[/g] [g 1S>3PI-]y-[/g][g discard]łāḥa[/g][g -IPFV]-y[/g][g -1S>3PI]-t[/g][g -NOM]-ʷu[/g][g -SI]-t[/g][g -ABS]-∅[/g] [g while]ḥe[/g] [g like]âfa[/g][g -1S>3SI]-t[/g] [g language]noxwu[/g][g -PI]-n[/g][g -DAT]-m[/g] [g BEN]kha[/g] [g from-]wo-[/g][g come]wo[/g][g ...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2015-08-15 01:17:56.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-14 22:22:59) :
[b]Sʼut krā plyi yeyêpet noxwunal gye syēnt yêpöwt.[/b]
[tsʼut kraː pʎi jejeːpet nɔχʷonɐl dʑe sʲæ̃ːt jeːpøwt]
[g one]Sʼ[/g][g -NOM]-ʷu[/g][g -SI]-t[/g][g -ABS]-∅[/g] [g COM]krā[/g] [g after:DYN]plyi[/g] [g 1S>3PI-]y-[/g][g work_on]yêp[/g][g -IPFV]-y[/g][g -1S>3PI]-t[/g] [g language]noxwu[/g][g -PI]-n[/g][g -GEN]-l[/g] [g PART]gye[/g] [g range]syēn[/g][g -SI]-t[/g][g -ABS]-∅[/g] [g work_on]yêp[/g][g -IPFV]-y[/g][g -WIT]-ow[/g][g -1S>3SI]-t.[/g]
I work on a variety of language...
owned by Travis B., last edited 2015-08-14 22:22:59.
Sound Changes Thread (2015-08-14 21:14:13) :
[20:54] <H13> shit conlang is from
[20:54] <H13> < m n ŋ p t č k ʔ f s š h w r l y a ɨ ɔ u ə i o u
[20:54] <dhok> no *ɛ in proto-shit
[20:54] <dhok> ?
[20:54] <dhok> oh i see it is shit manchu
[20:55] <H13> yes
[20:55] <H13> voicing is from +ATR
[20:55] <H13> and the vowels got shifted around
[20:55] <H13> mostly by "everything is E or e now"
[20:56] <dhok> +ATR to voicing
[20:56] <dhok> ...
owned by dhok, last edited 2015-08-14 21:14:13.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-14 20:09:31) :
is daesila. kethas daesila chiusie
i-s da-esila. kethas da-esila chi-usi-e
PRES-V SUBJ-1m. write SUBJ-1 OBJ-part-thing
Me too. I write little bits.
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 20:09:57.
Looking For Idioms! Please Send (a) Post! (2015-08-14 20:04:45) :

(note: masciline 2nd person is used here. Replace with "sani" to mean 1pf, tasa for 2pm or tosi for 2pf.

[b]olanys daladsachsana chisud[/b] - He (who is thirsty) is looking at the sky.  To look at the obviously wrong place for something (it hardly rains in the desert)
[b]etes dasan chiolrel foldaurel [/b] - To give a little light (candle) to the sun. To be boastful.
[b]sanleSekhasaseknai[/b] - To have 24. To be short of perfection.
[b]negak girelos ...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 20:05:21.
Frickin' dang it to heck! (2015-08-14 17:52:12) :
In Karathnai (Salthan) there are no explicit words perse, and there is no equivlent to the F word. (though honestly I'm not sure that makes much sense, and maybe someone would invent a course word for sex.).
Note: | is a click.

thed - crap!
|aka - Idiot!/Liar!)
usergs |akausher - Go to hell ("the unknowing low place")
usergs (tosa) - Damn (you) (literally "go down", though there's no sexual connotations to this.)

[b]More Strong/Explicit[/b]
dokshidas - Pro...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 18:09:10.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-14 16:37:29) :
[b]Pin mo kin si pan fiu pau la pin, ran sin pai, ta pin mo sau pia tai si lon hui wau.[/b]
[i]1 NOM work ACC system word make GEN 1, time span little, and 1 NOM hold manner stop ACC thing many 3[/i]
I work on my conlangs for a little bit, and then I abandon them.
owned by kusuri, last edited 2015-08-14 16:37:29.
Saltha All about/AMA (Crosspost) :
(Hello! I'm a longtime poster/lurker at CBB, ZBB and I was told about this place by Travis B. it's always nice to get more feedback.).

[b]Writing History[/b]
Saltha started out trying to expand the language of the lizard-folk of the game Ultima: Underworld, and from there I started building a world for them.  At one point it was one of the factions for a trading card game/minitures game hybrid thing, that will likely never actually see the light of day.

owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 16:22:02.

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