Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Joha waalut mokibuteiwåci hy kala metanikabuteiwå.
jɔxamore wɑːltree.ACC-utACC.PL mɔkiplant-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ-tsiABL.SG xyif kalafuture finish-tanilose-kaNEG-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ
If we plant more trees then we will not run out.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Kale båt hékateidi mee poraśita.
kalɛmost.of βNOM.1PL-ɒtNOM.PL xedo-kaNEG-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-ðiACC.SG mɛːhowever pɔraadmit-ɕiACC.3SG.A-taNOM.1SG
I admit that most of us do not though.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Soma mana cøy sokadepa?
sɔmaevery maperson.NOM-naNOM.SG tsœy̯actually sɔkascared-ðɛNOM.3SG.A=paINT
Is everyone really scared?

I doubt it.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Olíthis ighekíuthought ifaNOM.SG.F zelítrue alzokúbeneivíuhorror-GIVE-PTCP-being ifuNOM ilaCOMP.SG.F visCOP.PRS kai!GNO
The thought truly is terrifying!

(Using the awful early Oksí Lilitika grammar for added archaism.)
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Bettiguna waalagódut tystabudóré.
βɛtːpeople.NOM-iɣuPOSS.2SG-naNOM.SG wɑːltree.ACC-aɣoðPOSS.2PL-utACC.PL tystavalue-βuACC.3PL.A-ðoNOM.3SG.C-reINDIR
I know your people value your trees.

Juka mośu waalut mee wabunei.
jukaEMPH mɔɕufew wɑːltree.ACC-utACC.PL mɛːhowever wahave-βuACC.3PL.A-nɛi̯NOM.2PL
But you guys have so few trees.

Juka doori dema waalut nøri wabutei.
jukaEMPH ðɔːritoo ðɛmamany wɑːltree.ACC-utACC.PL nœriother.hand wahave-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL
We on the other hand have far too many trees.

Habi naraśateiwåbå ćii dema waalut pijapøbuteiwå.
xaβland.ACC-iACC.SG narause-ɕaACC.3SG.C-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ-βɒALL.SG tɕiːin.order.to ðɛmamany wɑːltree.ACC-utACC.PL pidown-jatake-forced-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ
To use land we are forced to cut down many trees.
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Télzatél-zayou-erg şauluolşaul-ol-∅tree-3npl.poss-abs poirpo-irmere-adv aučufeinap,au-čufei-na-apneg-dig.out-abilit-2p.tr leskaleska-∅land-abs ikjowap,ikjou-apuse-2p.tr lumlumconj.that şaulolşaul-ol-∅tree-3npl.poss-abs zabizabiagain dausiqap?dausi-applant-2p.tr Korzakor-zaI-erg lovlov-∅that-abs tsuopeşaimtsuopeşaim-∅thought-abs lumlumconj.that šaubešaubevery šuomžašuom-žagood-abl ŋuolisužauŋuolisu-žachoice-abl lihoqai iiliho-ai iiseem-subord-3p.intr=opt silon.silo-onthink-1p.tr
Can't you merely take the trees out, use the land, then plant the trees again? I think that thought seems to be a much better choice.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Kamukagadówåci kå méra ki mana habi synaraśade.
kamufertile-kaNEG-ɣabecome-ðoNOM.3SG.C-SUBJ-tsiABL.SG unless merapractically kino maperson.NOM-naNOM.SG xaβland.ACC-iACC.SG systop-narause-ɕaACC.3SG.C-ðɛNOM.3SG.A
Practically no one ceases to use land unless it becomes non-fertile.

Śeekamugadówåci wó kamuka hapa kala śeenarasedó.
ɕɛːagain-kamufertile-ɣabecome-ðoNOM.3SG.C-SUBJ-tsiABL.SG woonce kamufertile-kaNEG- xapland.NOM-aNOM.SG kalafuture ɕɛːagain-narause-PASS.STAT-ðoNOM.3SG.C
Non-fertile land will be used again once it becomes fertile again.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Aleznot lúdenlurírich_black-having haplinasoil-CLASS-F dí?Q
Infertile soils?

DzumelaWhat-LOC-F.SG rifete2-NOM-N.PL retení2-N.PL-POSS hefredíkhetekill-PASS_PTCP-ACC-N.PL natovenatúisun-dig-PRS kaiGNO dí?Q
Where do you bury your dead?

Rifete2-NOM-N.PL gendíwithout kelatelíkheteelder-ACC-N.PL visbe-PRS dí?Q
Do your people not age? (Are you completely without elders?)
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Doori mebasedówåci hy gella kamukagadówå.
ðɔːritoo mɛβafarm-PASS.STAT-ðoNOM.3SG.C-SUBJ-tsiABL.SG xyif ɣelːsoil.NOM-aNOM.SG kamufertile-kaNEG-ɣabecome-ðoNOM.3SG.C-SUBJ
Soil becomes infertile if it is overfarmed.

Niinåsut meha gólacó møgabå cogólabateid.
niːdie-nɒsRES-utACC.PL mɛxaholy ɣolabury-tsoADJ mœɣlot.ALL-aβɒALL.SG tsɔinto-ɣolabury-βaACC.3PL.B-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-ðIPFV
We bury our dead in sacred burial grounds.

Cåte sipa hédås pa sipaméda gelugadåré.
tsɒtɛall sippersons-aNOM.SG xedo-ðɒNOM.3SG.B-sLOC.SG palike sippersons-ameðPOSS.1PL-aNOM.SG ɣɛluold-ɣabecome-[g NO
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Yeñgíall roní2-M.SG-POSS stinifetepeople-CLASS-NOM-N.PL apesoccupying deginelíumekhovalley_of_kings-DAT-M.SG egihígo-AOR kaiGNO dí?Q
All your people go into monumental crypts?

Elifethat-NOM-N.SG alezNEG INDEF ikifilaway-NCOM-F.SG oshifafor_purpose_of.COMP-F.SG.NOM lúdenlurífertile_black-having haplikhasasoil-ACC-F.PL udhihíensure-AOR vihíbe-AOR kai.GNO
That is not a way to ensure fertile soil.

Rine2-CLASS-N.SG zeyetikhaconcord-ACC-F.SG alentetihíNEG-live.TR-AOR kai.GNO
You do not live in harmony with nature.

Rinení2-CLASS-N.SG-POSS klegifasabone-NOM-F.PL turellumekhawilderness-DAT-F.SG zhíogihíreturn-AOR kai.GNO Yeñgíall élasa.that-F.PL
Your bones must return to the wilderness. All of them.

Robéúperhaps sifa1-NOM-F.SG wibokuríufilasurprise-having-NCOM-F.SG rezalévis;must-not-be rifo2-NOM-M.SG trat-lerasaearth-tree-Ø-F.PL (owns) hefrezríufilokill-AGENT-NCOM-M.SG vihíbe-AOR kai...GNO
Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised; you are a killer of trees...
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Gólasewå leigilet gena joha katta komebasedåci ra ća soudi póha héśidewå.
ɣolabury-PASS.STAT-SUBJ lɛi̯ɣbody-ilɛtGEN.PL ɣɛnafar jɔxamore katːsoil.NOM-aNOM.SG on-mɛβafarm-PASS.STAT-ðɒNOM.3SG.B-tsiABL.SG raas tɕawhat sɔu̯thing.ACC-ðiACC.SG poxawell xedo-ɕiACC.3SG.A-ðɛNOM.3SG.A-SUBJ
What good would it do, since there is far more soil farmed than there are bodies to bury?
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Niinåsut gólaśed cemiseha makamédawa mehajése habi gi teśadódi keśaśi.
niːdie-nɒsRES-utACC.PL ɣolabury-ɕɛACC.3SG.B-ðDAT.SG tsɛmichoose-PASS.STAT-xaDAT.3SG.A makpriest.INST-ameðPOSS.1PL-awaINST.SG mɛxaholy-jeCAUS.DYN-PASS.STAT xaβland.ACC-iACC.SG ɣimerely be-ɕaACC.3SG.C-ðoNOM.3SG.C-ðiACC.SG kɛɕanote-ɕiACC.3SG.A
Note that this is just land set aside for burying the dead and sanctified by our priests.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Múíone klegifabone-NOM-SG.F lekhilerikhasaplant-ACC-F.PL léyerúíhundred pléovutelasayear-TMP-F.PL seteshihífeed-PASS-AOR kinPOT kai.GNO Rifeteyou-NOM-N.PL lerikhasaplant-ACC-F.PL élíumelathere-LOC-F.SG ossezthelekhihíby_nature-grow-AOR kai!GNO
One bone can feed plants for [a hundred] years. You must grow plants there!
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Paatimédut mara ćemabuteiwå!
pɑːtgod.ACC-imeðPOSS.1PL-utACC.PL marahence tɕɛmaoffend-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ
And thus we would offend our gods!

Leikkimédåt meha hebå gólasehośasi.
lɛi̯kːbody.NOM-imeðPOSS.1PL-ɒtNOM.PL mɛxaholy land.ALL-βɒALL.SG ɣolabury-PASS.STAT-need_toɕaACC.3SG.C-siNOM.3PL.B
Our bodies have to be buried in holy land.

Śa hapa ki hame seid moga naraserahadó.
ɕaPROX xapland.NOM-aNOM.SG kino xamɛother sɛi̯thing.DAT-ðDAT.SG mɔɣain_turn narause-PASS.STAT-raable_toxaDAT.3SG.A-ðoNOM.3SG.C
This land in turn can be used for nothing else.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Mebaminal bolerudi mehajéśewå måkki gueraśidewåna peetakade.
mɛβafarm-minAGT-alGEN.SG βɔlfield.ACC-ɛruPOSS.3SG.C-ðiACC.SG mɛxaholy-jeCAUS.DYN-ɕɛACC.3SG.B-SUBJ mɒkːpriest.ACC-iACC.SG ɣuə̯find-raable_to-ɕiACC.3SG.A-ðɛNOM.3SG.A-SUBJ-naNOM.SG pɛːtalikely-kaNEG-ðɛNOM.3SG.A
It is unlikely that one could find a priest that would consecrate a farmer's field.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Rinení2-CLASS-N.SG-POSS stillifetegod-NOM-N.PL tsikhethat-ACC.N.SG rinife2-CLASS-NOM-N.SG OWNS turellikhawilderness-ACC-F.SG múrihíharm-AOR rizilihírequire.by_law-AOR kai!GNO
Your gods require you to harm your land!

Sifasa1-NOM-F.PL survínew stillumekhetegod-DAT-N.PL vanshueshihíwrite-AOR des.COND
We would seek new gods. [Literally, "we would be blown to new gods."]
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Śa paatut taćekutasebutei.
ɕaPROX pɑːtgod.ACC-utACC.PL tatɕɛalways-kutadevote-PASS.STAT-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL
We have always been devoted to these gods.

Kutabutei paatidut ćeemiri rinemohakabuteiwå.
kutadevote-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL pɑːtgod.ACC-iACC.SG-ðutACC.PL tɕɛːmieasy-riADV rinɛacross-mɔxachange-kaNEG-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ
We would not switch which gods we are devoted to easily.
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
Rensainjorensainjorequire.by.divine.law ŋuoširaŋuošir-aholding.someone's.hand-temp auhauronalasau-hauro-na-las-∅neg-break-intent-dyn-3p.intr Njaullai.njaulla-i-∅covenant-2npl.poss-abs Lovzalov-zadistal-erg jéwaišnučaimizajéwaišnučaim-i-zapurging-2npl.poss-erg lelirsulelirsu-∅destruction-abs risuoféq émrisu-of-éq=émlead to-abilit-3p.tr=subj ešinešinand iijiwhen AjetašaşéAjetaša-şéOblivion-all rorointo nuhuoqéq ii.nuhuoq-é-éq=iicast-fut-3p.tr=opt
Your Covenants indeed must not be broken lightly. Such acts can lead to destruction and the coming of when you would be cast into Oblivion.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Paatimédut sicabobuteiwåci hy keńawå dodi śiśiteiwådi mókaśitei.
pɑːtgod.ACC-imeðPOSS.1PL-utACC.PL sitsato_behind-βɔput-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ-tsiABL.SG xyif kɛɲahappen-SUBJ ðɔACC.3SG.A-ðiACC.SG ɕiknow_thing-ɕiACC.3SG.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL-SUBJ-ðiACC.SG mowant-kaNEG-ɕiACC.3SG.A-tɛi̯NOM.1PL
We do not want to know what would happen if we abandoned our gods.

Kari juka batigasaréwå.
karivery jukaEMPH βatiangry-ɣabecome-saNOM.3PL.A-reINDIR-SUBJ
Surely they would become very angry indeed.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
Geiletici sarasehaci je wińe naĺesibutei.
ɣɛi̯fear-lɛtABST-itsiABL.SG saraloyal-sɛxABST-atsiABL.SG because wiɲɛhowever naĺefollowing-sigo-βuACC.3PL.A-tɛi̯NOM.1SG
But we follow them out of loyalty rather than fear.