Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Amqolic / Amqoli / Gamnux

phe v. believe, think
pheka na. bird
philya adj. small, tiny, pathetic
phoryu ni. sunset
phoshel ni. yesterday
phots v. go under, fall down
phrus ni. cured meat, sausage, jerky
phu ni. ball
pkal v. treat, ameliorate
pkambu v. hit, punch
plyax nm. vomit
pogu ni. butt
prox v. be created, be made, be worked on
pshchili v. smoke
pshet nm. swarm
pshka ni. ice
pshke v. punch
pshtu v. be burning
pshtulu v. set on fire, cause to burn
ptaho . only
qadz ni. side
qali na. leg
qam na. many (takes PAR)
qare v. eat
qarsh nm. tooth
qazo v. die
qha v. take
qho na. boy
qol v. speak
qorqo na. frog
qotsa adj. tall, high
radzuqru v. advise
raqa v. find
ratu ni. night
rbash . enough
rbutu ni. soap
rde adj. good
re v. see
rega v. raid, steal from
rgaz v. be strong, be large
rje adj. fast, quick
rjela ni. cycle, circle, wheel
rqala pos. about
rqub v. shout
saq v. set fire to
selye v. drink cold stuff
seqli ni. sun
shaqo v. be together, associate, be in the same place
shashak v. cook, boil
shchira v. cut, slice, dismember
shem pos. with
shkiri ni. chip, wafer, thing that has been sliced thinly
shlya ni. every, all (takes PAR)
shplyu v. turn, rotate, change
shpra v. open violently, tear, slam open
shqomra ni. hole
shxi v. fuck
skulu v.
stenma nm. sunlight
taqu v. sleep
taxel na. devil
te nm. rubber
tem v. go
tera ni. health
tha na. lightning
tham ni. soup
the conj. because
thopu v. be sick
tka ni. time
tkaz na. person
tkemash adj. long (with time), often
tkora . fight
tomqa nm. mud
tqal . insult
tqandri adj. -less, without
try .
tsomshi . snow
tsop . (intensifier), too X (attaches to verb)
tsor v. kill
tsor (2) . kill
tsxur ni. nose
xadz na. brother
xagul . search
xam v. stop
xamni v. be brave, be courageous
xardzu v. sing, recite
xarj ni. bundle of sticks, firewood, alliance
xarstu ni. song, chant, poem
xor . wear, carry
xrudzu ni. strength
xtsu ni. bone
zad na. plant
zaldu adj. bitter
zalg .
zara v. to farm, to be a farmer, to do things related to agriculture
zaru v. try
zaryu ni. morning
zberu nm. tea, yaupon
zdul nm. ground, dirt, earth
zhba ni. wind

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