Central Speech Lexicon
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Starway / Human Languages / Central Speech / Central Speech Lexicon

(ak–niu) (nú–tru)
Word of the Day: mok
nom. tree
ak adj. bad
àp ver. love
cak ver. do
cak (2) con. then, afterward
ce nom. write
céo adj. few
cheng nom. celestial object
chit num. seven
chú nom. grass
chúmok nom. plants
dakcheng nom. terrestrial planet
dàt nom. big
pro. this, proximal demonstrative
de pro. I, 1st person singular pronoun
degi pro. we, exclusive 1st person pronoun
dek nom. stone, rock
dené nom. We, inclusive 1st person singular pronoun
deng adj. positive
denglip nom. proton
dhreng adj. long
dí– pre. with, instrumental
dìn adj. electric
dìnkhó nom. speaker, loud speaker
dìnmiuk nom. camera
dìnnú nom. computer, both the hardware and the software / AI
dip num. ten
diung nom. steam
dong nom. same, similar
dongàp adj. homosexual
ver. lead
dùthrí nom. conductor
é adj. short, not tall
e– pre. at
ge pro. what, who, where
ghop ver. unite, gather into one
ghopre nom. fusion reactor
ghron nom. fist
gi pro. he/she, 2nd person pronoun
go nom. fox
húi nom. fire
húicheng nom. star
ħek adv. also
ħoe– pre. as, in capacity of
ħoeng nom. king, ruler
ħoet ver. say
ħúi ver. have
ħui .
ħuk pro. someone
in con. because
it num. one
ium adj. negative
iumlip nom. electron
jan ver. exist
jeon adj. complete
jhìt adv. self, reflexive adverb
kak pro. each
ke nom. vehicle
adj. all
kháng ver. oppose, resist
khé nom. can, may, be allowed to
khìccheng nom. jovian planet
khìt nom. gas
khó nom. mouth
khoen nom. dog
khong nom. sky
khongdìn nom. lighting
khrìt nom. instrument, tool
ki nom. base
kíu num. nine
ko nom. butt, butt cheek
kòe adv. already, perfective aspect
kòp ver. calculate, compute
kren– pre. between
kró nom. puppy
kuil nom. army
kuk nom. country, nation
kut nom. bone
lip nom. particle, a grain of sand
mak pro. no one
me ver. have not, negation of have
min adj. ornate, fancy
mìt adv. not yet
miuk nom. eye
mok nom. tree
mrak nom. racoon dog, tanuki
nam nom. south
nom. thou, 2nd person singular pronoun
nek ver. agree
néné nom. ye, 2nd person plural pronoun
ngá num. five
ngeon adj. first, foremost
ngoel nom. origin
ngoet nom. moon
ni nom. and
num. two
nom. ear
ning nom. person, human
ning (2) nom. year
nit nom. sun
niuk nom. flesh, meat

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