Dlyadhεthum Dictionary
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / World of Mjua / Dlyadhεthum / Common Dlyadhεthum / Dlyadhεthum Dictionary

onxhyt n. desire; want; drive; motivation; willpower
phyt n. tree (non-sentient)
psoltheig n. an istrument built between trees or rocks with chords meant to be plucked or to vibrate in the wind similar to a wind harp
qoδ adj. seven
si adj. two
sikyl adj. twenty-four; 24
sind adj. second
sinddwyl n. second mind; aethatic mind; magic manipulation mind
thum n. tongue; language
tlyδa n. forest
tλædd n. spirit; soul; being
ulgwona n. vine
uλogyd n. nurturing love
viλ adj. twelve
viλdhev adj. sixteen; 12 + 4
viλdwaj adj. twenty; 12 + 8
viλedyn adj. twenty-three; 12 + 11
viλejox adj. twenty-one; 12 + 9
viλgwyn adj. fifteen; 12 + 3
viλlo adj. thirteen; 12 + 1
viλqoδ adj. nineteen; 12 + 7
viλsi adj. fourteen; 12 + 2
viλyl adj. twenty-two; 12 + 10
viλywxε adj. seventeen; 12 + 5
viλλlaist adj. eighteen; 12 + 6
vnε ap. in; on; of
voem n. plant
waith n. dark
waithæk n. nighttime; dark time; night
whyd n. mushroom
wydd n. river
yl adj. ten
yv ap. -wise; in respect to; in manner of
ywxε adj. five
ywxεnd adj. fifth
ελendd n. cloud
ελenddylt n. a cloudy day
λlaist adj. six
λled n. magic
λledlith n. practice of magic

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