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Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-09-01 13:02:14) :
[b]Haaae y vermiste-de, honnae![/b]
Heeey I've missed you, honey!

[b]Nae vryst, hit is en haman. Hael y luwen-de elyc als du cyms eut als antersexiss.[/b]
Don't worry, it's a joke. I'll love you all the same if you turn out heterosexual.

Have you missed me?
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-09-01 13:02:14.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-09-01 11:14:50) :
[quote Jipí][b]Ang konday datay sirutayyānley kayvo diyanya miraneri cāmpuluy ikan-ikan.[/b]
I had dinner tonight with my honey in a totally heteroromantic way.[/quote]

[b]War it wel?[/b]
Was it fun?
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-09-01 11:14:50.
Talk in a natlang, y'all (2014-08-31 12:18:32) :
[quote Querubín][b]Cantō Mandōque sunt ut Hispānica atque Catalāna/Lūsitāna—iocōsissimē similārēs. Utinam ut Hispānica atque Gallica essent...[/b]
Canto and Mando are like Spanish and Catalan/Portuguese—ridiculously similar. I wish they were like Spanish and French instead...[/quote]
[b]Vae! Hispanica Lusitanaque non sunt tam similares. Possunt. Sed Brasiliana[ ?] est insana interdum. [/b]
Woe! Spanish and Portuguese aren't so similar. Okay maybe they are. But Brazilian is crazy at t...
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-31 12:18:32.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-31 10:03:57) :
[b]Soecen in de vorsettingworde is claerly en dael des gaien agendas. [/b]
Inquiring prepositions is obviously part of the gay agenda.

[b]It anter is op at dyne imaginaeton, daen y caen ny ceden.[/b]
The rest is up to your imagination, for I cannot speak.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-31 10:03:57.
Looking For Idioms! Please Send (a) Post! (2014-08-30 11:57:25) :
I learned yesterday that if someone's [i]cheese is slipping off the cracker[/i], it means they're going insane.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-30 11:57:25.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-30 11:05:24) :
[b]Als en cedaer, y voele misdaun.[/b]
As a talker, I'm offended. :P

[b]Daen, fylye is da antere brucien, an is hit te *eyny* word mit it? Y hadde dau elycien.[/b]
So, what is the other usage, and is it the *only* word with it? I got that impression.

owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-30 11:05:24.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-30 08:50:01) :
:/ [b]ur beus dinsten inmaer, sicken.[/b]
:/ you're too uptight, guys.

[b]calme, y hau ny posten nuden ow neyst.[/b]
relax, I'm not gonna post nudes or anything.

[b]Ver fat wirt, y wild ceden naer informaeton an it macron. [/b]
For the record, I meant more information about the macron.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-30 08:50:01.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-29 16:16:37) :
[b]Hew mir naer![/b]
Give me moar.

[b]Du bys veyr an y im ys. Dansen wir![/b]
You're fire and I'm ice. Let's dance!
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-29 16:16:37.
Grrr Thread (2014-08-29 07:48:34) :
Stupid bureaucracy.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-29 07:48:34.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-29 07:41:33) :

[b]Y hate dy verae.[/b]
I hate you forever.


[b]Dau phrasis is ironice.[/b]
That sentence is ironic.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-29 07:41:33.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-28 18:09:16) :
[quote Izambri][b]Ī guelh, gabaseu-gi d'avatar ar eig tarmantrem.[/b]
By the way: get an avatar or you will be prosecuted.[/quote]
[b]Ah ceme it neus bys du da polyse ow fat. [/b]
Oh come on are you the police or what. [i]Mosso de 'quadra' ;)[/i].

[b]Aendy als du lies mir eut it macron.[/b]
Only if you explain the macron to me.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-28 18:09:16.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-28 12:14:02) :
[b]Du bys altyd so aldhadleyriss.[/b]
You're always so archeological.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-28 12:14:02.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-27 09:57:24) :
[b]Y danste te hadde e anen.[/b] :|
I thought I had one... :|
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-27 09:57:24.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-26 10:19:32) :
[b]Enter den ludestraecen. [/b]
Shift the stress.
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-26 10:19:32.
happiness thread (2014-08-26 09:59:50) :
[quote Jipí]I tried µg/mL, but then you get like .00045 or so. ng/mL gives you 4.5, though, and mL is a more customary division of a liter than dL, I think? OTOH, idk medicine.[/quote]
Actually testosterone is generally measured in ng/dL and estradiol in pg/mL, tho there's a new tendency in labs to regularize it all and just express it in subunits of mol/L. /dL is not uncommon in medicine, for instance you use it for blood sugar and this customarily... it results in prettier numbers, I guess...
owned by Thry, last edited 2014-08-26 09:59:50.

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