Creation Myth
Condensed Version for Modern Readers
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Rireinuverse / Rireinu: the flowering worlds / Religion and Mythology / Creation Myth

In the beginning, Yuri the All-Mother gave birth to the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars. She gave birth to the animals and the plants. Pleased with her work, she decided to make herself a servant to care for her creation. So she gave birth to Eka, the first person. She told Eka to study the world and care for it for her. And to call upon her, if she had need.

For a while, Eka enjoyed studying the world and giving names to everything. But soon she noticed she was the only one of her kind and she felt lonely. She wanted a friend. She noticed how the animals mated with a male and gave birth to others of their kind, so she decided to do likewise. She would mate with a male and give birth to another of her kind.

So Eka mated with several male wild animals and gave birth to their domesticated variants. Those were good, but not good enough. She was still lonely. She lay down on the ground and wept for her disappointment, and Rato, the goddess of the soil, took pity on her. Rato mated with Eka to cheer her up and gave her a domesticated plant. That was good, but still not good enough.

Two more times Eka tried. She mated with another male wild animal and gave birth to its domesticated variant. She cried with disappointment, Rato came and comforted her and gave her a domesticated plant. The third time, Rato gave Eka the banana. Then an ape saw the banana, attacked Eka and tried to take the banana for himself. Eka grabbed a rock and killed the ape. The blood of the ape soaked into the ground.

Dejected, Eka called to Yuri the All-Mother for help. Yuri the All-Mother told Eka to take the blood-soaked soil and make a figurine out of it. Eka did so and Yuri the All-Mother turned the figurine into a live Rireinukave male, half Eka's size. So Eka mated with the male and gave birth to Tosa, the second person. Finally, here was a friend for Eka.

Eka and Tosa lived happily together. They mated with each other for pleasure. They mated with the male and gave birth to many daughters. Then one day, Eka gave birth to a male child. The male saw this, attacked Eka and tried to take the baby and kill him. Eka grabbed a rock and killed the male. To prevent such an incident from happening again, Tosa built a sturdy hut. When the baby was weaned, she put him in the hut and kept him there. He was only taken from his hut for breeding. And so it is done even down to this day.