Burn! Bobonga!
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Maikros / Magic / Elemental Schools / Pyromancy

Pyromancy is magic for fire things. You set things on fire with it. Not much else to it. As such, the school is mostly associated with soldiers, warriors, mercenaries, and other violent types - especially since most of its offensive capability isn't terribly long-range. Your stereotypical D&D fireball isn't really a thing on Maikros. The most basic sort of pyromantic combat is to conjure fire in one's hand(s) and swipe it around. Fire breath is also well-known. Explosions are usually the province of formulaic magic - essentially, scroll or crystal landmines and grenades - but some pyromancers are so attuned to the element that it doesn't harm them, so they can safely use spark magic explosions, usually centred on themselves.