Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Vengic / Proto-Vengic / Scratchpad

Nominalizers are hV- (fossilized in Vengic) and tV- (fossilized in Hluic).

Dvandva metonymy is common: e.g. atatumNu "family" < "father+son".


There are two possessive markers: e and su. Su is used for some personal possessions, familial relationships, and inalienables; e is used otherwise, including for vaguely possessive-like compounds. However, with e, the possessor follows the possessee, while with su, the possessor precedes it.

For example, the Zzyxwqnp Vtsznxmqp-ye Pvpchqp-ye Zzxzzyx is the "Saga of the Founding of Zzxzzyx", with a descendant of e; cf. bidaadaa su atatumNu, "the family of (the Tsi emperor) Bidaadaa".

This becomes confused in most of the descendants.