2) The Races Borne
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Janochia / Origins of Janochia / 2) The Races Borne

On the surface of Janochia in the physical plane, there were two mortals whom were brought into existence.
These two were the first mortals. They were Alphus and Genesis, the first man and woman respectively.

For their union, there were borne 12 children.
There was six males and six females. Among these children were four human, four elves and four dwarves.
The unions between these children would form the line of Man, the line of Elves, the line of dwarves, the line of Xarnel (half-elves),
the line of gnomes, and the line of Stonam (goliaths).

However, there was a 13th child born within the union of Alphus and Genesis.
One day, he was stumble across the entrance to Murruşki. When he entered he encountered Hextor, one of the rebellious servants of Bane.
After a long and persuasive dialogue, the man released Hextor from the prison.
That child would become so twisted and corrupted, his form would become an abomination.
And he would be renamed Lemuttu.

One by one, Lemuttu would turn his siblings away from what was just, making them subject to
Hextor's wicked temptations and bringing death into the world of Janochia.
But Alphus and Genesis, themselves, didn't turn away and resisted the dark desires.
They prayed to Uppishiun to spare their children and the he promised them redemption for their children and their descendants.

As the children spread out, they diversified into different types of humanoids of many shapes and sizes.
In fact some of the Nutros found the mortal women beautiful, taking them as wives. This would produce
the most exotic races of them all. One such woman was Iltani, she was a kobold whom became the wife of the Nutros, known as Ęrįnzol.
But she will become completely overshadowed by her children, Bahamut and Tiamat, the first of dragon-kind.

But despite all the differences the races had, they would still consider themselves as one people.
But this would not last forever...