Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Ye Placys off ye Worlde & ye People wha Live Yereyn / Tsalaysia


Tsalaysia is a group of islands, north of the Swamp Continent and south of the Dog Continent. There is one especially large island, the ???, which contains over half of the population of the Tsi Empire.

Cultures and states

Tsalaysia is home to the Tsi Empire, a multiethnic maritime empire held together mostly by reeds and regular payment of tributes. This was originally a confederation of city-states and then someone did an Augustus.

- Tsiic
- Hathic
- Kaam-Yerte

Linguistic typology

- serial verbs
- phrasal verbs; verbs as closed class?
- locative verbs
- relatively little nominal morphology
- clicks (Tsiic, Hathic; do these spread?), breathy-voiced stops (Tsiic, Kaam-Yerte)
- usually level tone systems?