The Children of the Void
what if there was a bunch of uncle Ted worshippers in the woods, producing cryptic scrolls which'd disseminate amongst the literati
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Karch's universe / Mhraic / Mhra / The Children of the Void


Some 200 years ago, a noble called [insert Mhraic name here] [insert initiation name here], dissatisfied with the Mhraic Empire and court life, retreated to his family estates in the secluded forests near Barkhan with a few like-minded people. There he took a new name and formulated the base tenets of what would later became known as [void worship].

Voidspeech and the Voidscript

The earliest emissions were written in a strange cursive script, created by mirroring the letters of the old Mhra "block" script, and in an unintelligible language, created by reversing certain words from the most innovative Nargun speakers, sometimes even shifting them semantically to mean the opposite (e.g. nùuk "man" (from "child"), ŋmát "void" or tsàrm "rice"). Nowadays, this language, called Voidspeech (ŋmáttàŋt or ŋmátutàŋt), and its associated script, called Voidscript (which has been slightly "cleaned up"), are only confined to rituals and ritual quotations.



The mythical Mhra monster Tamthonjat (Voidspeech: ŋmàt(u)tñòoṭ) is an important cultural hero amongst the Children, given that he came from the Void Below.