Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Ye Placys off ye Worlde & ye People wha Live Yereyn / Shquqou

According to the Vtsznxmqp Pvpchqpye Zzxzzyx, Xykztkup the Destroyer (Hlu: Ykoeku) was a charismatic Rau priest whose faction killed the military leaders Beshiyash and Teredzin in a coup during the Rau War, exterminated the Cihlae of the port city of Biagheci, and led a campaign of theocratic terror along the coast of the Great Continent, slaughtering entire villages and delivering sermons to the corpses, before being repelled by the forces that coalesced into the Ziwan Confederation.

According to In Khzoủ na Drédeg /nʲ xʲɹˠi˩˥ nˠəˈdʁéji/  (The Vomit of the Logicians), a contemporary polemic by Mìlbor of Lqỏd against the logicians of the school of Ngàlh, Shqúqou ("Hammer") was a popular nickname for a Birugèd clergyman named Mágzod Gánreng who elaborated on the teachings of the popular theologian Telzỉn. Gánreng held that reason demanded not only membership in the body of the gShang-ni tQidash, those who recognize Qila (Old Rau: d.qwd2a d.gmvtkog /dəqɯʌ̯lǎɯ̯ dəgmətkòg/) as a 'descent' of Kha (Old Rau: d.qabmoŋkws2 or d.xa) but strict imitation of Qila and the canon of sages (g.dziđ), and that the capacity to be ruled by reason was variable and, in the absence of outside corruption, largely innate.