<!>Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-02-06 17:09:51)
Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Premodern Conlang Thread (2014-02-06 17:09:51)

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen message
(As I cannot read the English comment in character...)

Ća nasåt we paattåt Keińodedi nei Ereladi tebusapa?
tɕawhat nashuman.NOM-ɒtNOM.PL or.INCL pɑːtːgod.NOM-ɒtNOM.PL kɛi̯ɲɔðɛKāiŋoðe-ðiACC.SG nɛi̯and ɛrɛlErĕl-aðiACC.SG be-βuACC.3PL.A-saNOM.3PL.A=paINT
What humans or gods are Kāiŋoðe and Erĕl?