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Hikoomayii Story (NOW WITH COMMENTARY!) (2017-05-31 13:48:20) :

[h3]Roots and Stems[/h3]
Verb [b][u]roots[/u][/b], the large majority of which are one or two syllables, are the uninflected bases upon which the verb word is constructed. They are written throughout this sketch between |single pipes|. Verb [b][u]stems[/u][/b] are the inflectable form of verbs -- i.e., they are able to directly take inflectional affixes. Many verb stems consist of roots plus derivational suffixes (though plenty of verb roots can be used as full stems ...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-04 13:16:51.
Hikoomayii Story (NOW WITH COMMENTARY!) (2017-05-28 16:42:05) :

[h4]Obligatory Aspect Inflection[/h4]
All fully inflected verbs in Hikóómayíi take a suffix marking person/number/obviativity/animacy of the absolutive (S/P/R), mood/tense (realis, irrealis, or future -- see below), and aspect (perfective or imperfective). [b][u]Perfective[/u][/b] ([sc]pfv[/sc]) predicates are prototypically those viewed "externally," with a defined beginning and end, and no focus on internal structure. [b][u]Imperfective[/u][/b] ([sc]impfv[/sc]) pre...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-04 13:15:54.
Hikoomayii Story (NOW WITH COMMENTARY!) (2017-05-27 19:18:30) :
All verb roots in Hikóómayíi are inherently either [b][u]transitive[/u][/b] or [b][u]intransitive[/u][/b] (none are inherently ditransitive). Obviously, intransitive roots have one associated participant (S), while transitive roots have two (A and P). Many intransitive roots can be directly inflected for the person of S, without further modification:

(6) |[b]kpááni[/b]|[sub][sc]intr[/sc][/sub]-[b]si[/b]-oᴴkoᴴ > [b]kpáánisiko[/b]
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 22:47:41.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-16 12:33:07) :
11. An old man was sitting on a mat by the spring, and he greeted [Mosquito].
[b][i]Sa-š spáaw káxaθsóʔiw hníí míí-sohok sayihpánóóčííbonbááyóóθak-ʔóó θšópiyóosθak.[/i][/b]
[g then=[sc]novel[/sc]]sa=š[/g] [g [sc]dem:dist-obv[/sc]]spa-`:w[/g] [g old-man-[sc]obv[/sc]]ká-xaθsoᴴʔ-iw[/g] [g there]hníí[/g] [g [sc]adsv[/sc]=spring]míí=sohIᴴk[/g] [g mat-sit-[sc]applic-detr-loc.applic:an-3inan.real.impfv-rep=ss:seq[/sc]]sayihpaᴴn-óóčíí-bon-`b-(x)áá-yóó-θak=ʔóó[/g] [g [sc]inv[/sc]-greet-3s[sc]prox...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:56:11.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-18 19:36:09) :
29. The next day, when he woke up he was very hungry.
[b][i]Sa sifáxamwáyóóšo-yíí hóóxííxíičsiyóo-drá hinyam pománóoyóokoθak.[/i][/b]
[g then]sa[/g] [g lift-[sc]mid:inan-become:inan-3inan.real.impfv-incept=ds:seq[/sc]]siᴴfaᴴxaᴴ-mθ-waᴴ-yóó-iᴴšoᴴ=yíí[/g] [g[sc]body.part.incorp-[/sc]3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-incept=ss:temp[/sc]]hóóxíí-xííč-siᴴ-`yóo=drá[/g] [g very]hinyam[/g] [g discomfort-[sc]by.mouth-feel[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-prog-rep[/sc]]poᴴk-maᴴ-nóó-`yóo-oᴴkoᴴ-θak[/g]...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:54:59.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-16 12:24:19) :
7. Then in the distance he saw a patch of green grass, and trees.
[b][i]Sa ʔaxačθóóyóó-om hníí-š hom θiθíimakas θíimomóofníwos hi sxíyóonθak.[/i][/b]
[g then]sa[/g] [g distant-[sc]be:inan[/sc]-3[sc]inan.real.impfv=ds:loc[/sc]]ʔaᴴxač-θóó-yóó=om[/g] [g there=[sc]novel[/sc]]hníí=š[/g] [g [sc]pcpl[/sc]]hom[/g] [g [sc]rdp[/sc]+green-?-[sc]be:inan[/sc]]θiᴴ+θíim-íí-θóó[/g] [g green-[sc]rdp[/sc]+tree-[sc][/sc]=and]θíim-moᴴ+móofní-wos=hi[/g] [g see-3[sc]inan.real.pfv-rep[/sc]]sxí-yóóna-θak...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:53:12.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-26 13:54:16) :
63. He ran back to the spring and found the old man, who was sitting on his mat again.
[b][i]Habóyóošmowóóθáayóos-ʔóó hníí sohok, spáaw kaʔóow šmonóoθyóóna-θáá, ski ʔo sayihpanóóčííbonyóokoθak.[/i][/b]
[g quickly-[sc]andat[/sc]-go-3s[sc]prox.real.pfv=ss:seq[/sc]]aᴴboᴴyóó-šmoᴴ-wóóθáá-`yóos=ʔóó [/g] [g there]hníí[/g] [g spring,]sohIᴴk,[/g] [g [sc]dem:dist-obv[/sc]]spa-`:w[/g] [g[sc]obv[/sc]]káʔahó-`:w[/g] [g [sc]andat[/sc]-find-[sc]3obv.real.pfv=ds:simult[/sc],]šmoᴴ-nóóθ-yóóna=θáá...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:33:57.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-22 18:25:14) :
57. Mosquito didn’t know these fruits weren’t good to eat; that’s why the old man had said to wait for him to show him where the good food was.
[b][i]Háá Wíixšííʔasay ki košóonθočóoθak ʔiwí bááʔa čon pšáwošos skičaxinθóóyóó-om ʔiwí hočhófáásíí-ko hníí hanáčikičaxin káá ʔááxiθínóoθsóó-ok čas sóoθhoyóos.[/i][/b]
[g well]háá[/g] [g Mosquito]Wíixšííʔasay[/g] [g [sc]neg[/sc]]ki[/g] [g know-[sc]antps[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-rep[/sc]]koᴴšóón-θoᴴč-`yóo-θak[/g] [g [sc]compzr[/sc]]ʔiwí[/g] [g [...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:30:59.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-21 18:10:33) :
52. Finally he came to an organ pipe cactus, with many big pitaya fruits on it; there were pitayas hanging off it, very many.
[b][i]Sa háaʔmi šmokómiyiyóoθak hníí-š bošíik ʔin bóóba, ʔoši bošíik ʔin míišáwomíwos hi; hníí haxá-ka θwixwíičóonyó-fin bošíišoyóonyóθak.[/i][/b]
[g then]sa[/g] [g after]háaʔmi[/g] [g [sc]andat[/sc]-come-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-rep[/sc]]šmoᴴ-koᴴmiᴴyiᴴ-`yóo-θak[/g] [g there=[sc]novel[/sc]]hníí=š[/g] [g pitaya]bošíik[/g] [g [sc]attrib[/sc]]ʔin[/g] [g cactus,]bóóba,[/...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 21:27:17.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-19 19:01:48) :
37. Mosquito said that he was too hungry.
[b][i]Háá, hoθočóošyoθak spa Wíixšííʔasay hinyam sáápománóó-ok.[/i][/b]
[g well]háá[/g] [g say-[sc]antps[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.pfv-mtn-rep[/sc]]ho-θoᴴč-`yóos-yoᴴ-θak[/g] [g [sc]dem:dist[/sc]]spa[/g] [g Mosquito]Wíixšííʔasay[/g] [g very]hinyam[/g] [g strong-discomfort-[sc]by.mouth-feel=ss:subord[/sc]]sáá-poᴴk-maᴴ-nóó=ok[/g]

38. “Tell me where the food is and I can get it, you can stay here,” he said.
[b][i]“Hóó kiθkíí ʔááxihosóósisa-om...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 20:26:56.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-16 22:01:17) :
19. When night came, the old man lay down on his mat.
[b][i]Kafápawáyóó-čí koθí kaʔóow wa-kasáyihípan ʔokínááyóónačθak.[/i][/b]
[g night-[sc]become:inan-3inan.real.impfv=ds:temp[/sc]]kaᴴfaᴴpaᴴ-waᴴ-yóó=čí[/g] [g when([sc]pst[/sc])]koθí[/g] [g[sc]obv[/sc]]káʔahó-`:w[/g] [g [sc]suprs=3obv.poss[/sc]-mat]wa=ka-saᴴyiᴴhiᴴpaᴴn[/g] [g [sc]venit[/sc]-lie.down-[sc]loc.applic:an-3inan.real.pfv-complv-rep[/sc]]ʔo-kiᴴn-(x)áá-yóóna-oč-θak[/g]

20. He didn’t have a lodge or even a tent,...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-06-03 20:20:12.
Hikoomayii Story (NOW WITH COMMENTARY!) (2017-05-28 13:43:49) :
As alluded to above, Hikóómayíi shows [b][u]ergative alignment[/u][/b], since verbs inflect for the absolutive participant (S of intransitive clauses, P of transitive clauses, R of ditransitive clauses). The ergative (A of transitive clauses) is not indexed on the verb.

Additionally, verbs mark a [b][u]direct/inverse[/u][/b] distinction. Hikóómayíi has a [b][u]prominence hierarchy[/u][/b]: 1/2 > 3[sc]prox > 3obv > inan[/sc], in which the persons to the le...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-05-29 01:47:52.
Hikoomayii Story (NOW WITH COMMENTARY!) :
1. One time, they say, Mosquito had been banished from his village after causing too much trouble.
[b][i]Háá mííni spa Wíixšííʔasay hinyam soʔsoxwoyóopoθak-aθ čsááxanóoyóosθak.[/i][/b]
[g okay]háá[/g] [g at.that.time]mííni[/g] [g [sc]dem:dist[/sc]]spa[/g] [g wail-?-[sc]animal[/sc] (=Mosquito)]wíixšíí-ʔa-`saᴴy[/g] [g really]hinyam[/g] [g often-make.mischief-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-iter-rep=ss:consq[/sc]]soʔ-soᴴxIᴴwoᴴ-`yóo-poᴴ-θak=aθ[/g] [g exit-[sc]caus-mid:an[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.pfv-rep[/...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-05-27 16:30:47.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-26 19:00:07) :
70. In the morning, he felt much better.
[b][i]Sa sifáxamwáyóóna-čí ʔóónanáčinóoyóoθak.[/i][/b]
[g then]sa[/g] [g lift-[sc]mid:inan-become:inan-3inan.real.pfv=ds:temp[/sc]]siᴴfaᴴxaᴴ-mθ-waᴴ-yóóna=čí[/g] [g increasing-good-[sc]feel[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-rep[/sc]]ʔóóna-aᴴnaᴴčiᴴ-nóó-`yóo-θak[/g]

71. The medicine had worked and the worm was gone.
[b][i]Spa yóómotá siʔóyamyóosoč-om spáaw nohóow ki θkííyóó.[/i][/b]
[g [sc]dem:dist[/sc]]spa[/g] [g medicine]yóómotá[/g] [g do...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-05-26 19:00:07.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-20 21:27:00) :
46. Mosquito walked around for a long time, looking for anything to eat.
[b][i]Sa spa Wíixšííʔasay sčíkičáxinónóoθyóoko-fin hokíiθhaháačiyóoθak.[/i][/b]
[g then]sa[/g] [g [sc]dem:dist[/sc]]spa[/g] [g Mosquito]Wíixšííʔasay[/g] [g try-eat-[sc]nmzr:pat-rdp[/sc]+find-[sc]detr[/sc]-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-prog=ss:simult[/sc]]ʔI`čIᴴ-kičaᴴ-xiᴴn-noᴴ+nóóθ-`f-`yóo-oᴴkoᴴ=fin[/g] [g [sc]dur-rdp[/sc]+walk([sc]sg[/sc])-3s[sc]prox.real.impfv-rep[/sc]]oᴴkííθ-ha+háačí-`yóo-θak[/g]

47. Every time h...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-05-25 16:44:49.
Hikoomayii Story (2017-05-16 10:25:53) :
In the underlying representation, acute marks high tones, unmarked marks low tones, and H marks variable-toned vowels -- the tone of variable-toned vowels depends on position with respect to the word boundary and to high toned vowels. Basically, it's normally low in odd-numbered syllables from the beginning of the word or most recent long vowel, or when adjacent to a high tone vowel, and is high otherwise. (But underlying high and variable-toned vowels can still surface as low when preceding con...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2017-05-16 10:25:53.
Quote Thread (2016-08-07 14:42:48) :
* ChanServ sets mode: +o dhok
<@dhok> can i ban anyone now
<@pharazon> Sure
<@Ser> you can
<@pharazon> But they can ban you
* dhok sets mode: +b pharazon!*@*
* pthagnar sets mode: -o+b dhok *!*@*
* dhok was kicked by pthagnar (pthagnar)
<@pthagnar> nice
<@pthagnar> thus always
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2016-08-07 14:42:48.
Quote Thread (2016-07-26 10:05:38) :
<CUM_SIURAN> I wonder how many native americans were upset about having american citizenship in 1924
<CUM_SIURAN> becuase it meant they would be taxed
<Slereah_> Maybe they dressed up as indians and threw tea in the harbor
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2016-07-26 10:05:38.
Quote Thread (2016-07-22 16:41:55) :
<Ang> "Sun worship was popular in the ancient world."  This probably isn't the worst line I've heard in a documentary but it's the worst that I can think of right now
<H13> <Ang> "Sun worship was popular in the ancient world." < this is an excellent way of describing this
<H13> I propose we adopt it
<H13> "worship of heaven was fashionable among the medieval turks and mongols"
<H13> "after the death of muhammad the first caliphs popular...
owned by Whimemsz, last edited 2016-07-22 16:41:55.

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