<!>218 Example sentences for translation (warning: huge) (2014-05-26 06:12:36)
218 Example sentences for translation (warning: huge)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / 218 Example sentences for translation (warning: huge) / <!>218 Example sentences for translation (warning: huge) (2014-05-26 06:12:36)

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1. The sun shines.
Ní-te hón-ba.
[níté hónbá]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-ba.-HAB

2. The sun is shining.
Ní-te hón-ha.
[níté hónhá]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-ha.-PRG

3. The sun shone.
Ní-te hón-ga.
[níté hónɡá]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-ga.-PST

4. The sun will shine.
Ní-te hón-a.
[níté hóná]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-a.-FUT

5. The sun has been shining.
Ní-te hón-ce.
[níté hóntɕé]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-ce.-CNT

6. The sun is shining again.
Ní-te hón-ha bè.
[níté hónhá bè]
sun-te=DEF hónshine-ha.-PRG bè.repeat

7. The sun will shine tomorrow.
Sò-ní ní-te hón-a.
[sòní níté hóná]
next-ní-day sun-te=DEF hónshine-a.-FUT

8. The sun shines brightly.
Ní-te húr-nyi hón-ba.
[níté hú˞ɲí hónbá]
sun-te=DEF húrlight-nyi=ADV hónshine-ba.-HAB

9. The bright sun shines.
Ní húr-te hón-ba.
[ní hú˞té hónbá]
sun húrlight-te=DEF hónshine-ba.-HAB

10.  The sun is rising now.
Ní-te dà syár-ha.
[níté dà ɕá˞há]
sun-te=DEF now syárrise-ha.-PRG

11.  All the people shouted.
Mìr-re-te-k khùr ó-k-mi.
[mì˞ɻètèʔk̚ kʰù˞ óʔk̚mí]
Mìrperson-re=PL-te=DEF-k=GEN khùrall óshout-k-PST-mi.-3S

12.  Some of the people shouted.
Mìr-re-te-k chà ó-k-mi.
[mì˞ɻètèʔk̚ tɕʰà óʔk̚mí]
Mìrperson-re=PL-te=DEF-k=GEN chàsome óshout-k-PST-mi.-3S

13.  Many of the people shouted twice.
Mìr-re-te-k nyà ngì-hó ó-k-mi.
[mì˞ɻètèʔk̚ ɲà ŋìhó óʔk̚mí]
Mìrperson-re=PL-te=DEF-k=GEN nyàmany ngìtwo-hó-MULT óshout-k-PST-mi.-3S

14.  Happy people often shout.
Mìr gà-re jìrn ó-ya-mi.
[mì˞ ɡàɻè dʑì˞n ójámí]
Mìrperson happy-re=PL jìrnoften óshout-ya-REP-mi.-3S

15.  The kitten jumped up.
Mùrng-zà-te phúrk-ga.
[mù˞ŋzàtè pʰú˞ʔk̚ɡá]
Mùrngcat-zà-DIM-te=DEF phúrkjump-ga.-PST

16.  The kitten jumped onto the table.
Mùrng-zà-te drók-te-t phúrk-ga.
[mù˞ŋzàtè dʐóʔk̚téʔt̚ pʰú˞ʔk̚ɡá]
Mùrngcat-zà-DIM-te=DEF dróktable-te=DEF-t=ALL phúrkjump-ga.-PST

17.  My little kitten walked away.
A-mùrng-zà zì chóng-ga.
[àmù˞ŋzà zì tɕʰóŋɡá]
A-POSS.1S=mùrngcat-zà-DIM small chóngflee-ga.-PSG

18.  It's raining.
Gò jà-s.
[ɡò dʑàs]
rain fall-s.-PROG

19.  The rain came down.
Gò nù-k.
[ɡò nùʔk̚]
rain go.down-k.-PST

20.  The kitten is playing in the rain.
Gò-te-n mùrng-zà-te cír-s.
[ɡòtèn mù˞ŋzàtè tɕí˞s]
rain-te=DEF-n=LOC mùrngcat-zà-DIM-te=DEF círplay-s.-PROG

21.  The rain has stopped.
Gò-te chú-ts.
[ɡòtè tɕʰúʔts]
rain-te=DEF chúcease-ts.-CONT

22.  Soon the rain will stop.
Nàp gò-te chú-a.
[nàʔp̚ ɡòtè tɕʰúá]
Nàpearly rain-te=DEF chúcease-a.-FUT

23.  I hope the rain stops soon.
Gò-te chú nyùng-nga.
[ɡòtè tɕʰú ɲùŋŋà]
rain-te=DEF chúcease nyùnghope-nga.-1S

24.  Once wild animals lived here.
Thí dì-n syà-re rìr nà-k-mi.
[tʰí dìn ɕàɻè ɻì˞ nàʔk̚mì]
Thíonce PROX-n=LOC syàanimal-re=PL rìrwild stay-k-PST-mi-3P

25.  Slowly she looked around.
Thé syé-nyi màrng-ga.
[tʰé ɕéɲí mà˞ŋɡà]
Thé3S syéslow-nyi=ADV màrnglook-ga.-PST

26.  Go away!

27.  Let's go!
Á-ne só-y-ma.
[áné sójmá]
Á1I-ne-PL go-y-1PI-ma-HORT

28.  You should go.
Só tsó-n.
[só tsón]
go tsóshould-n.-2S

29.  I will be happy to go.
Só gà-a-ng.
[só ɡààŋ]
go happy-a-FUT-ng.-1S

30.  He will arrive soon.
Nàp thé phé-a.
[nàʔp̚ tʰé pʰéá]
Nàpsoon thé3S phécome-a.-FUT

31.  The baby's ball has rolled away.
Ngé-k lhúm-pú dè-t drír-k.
[ŋéʔk̚ ɬúmpù dèʔt̚ dʐí˞ʔk̚]
Ngébaby-k=GEN lhúm-púball DIST-t=ALL drírroll-k.-PST

32.  The two boys are working together.
Tshá-pú ngì tá mù-s-tsi.
[tsʰápù ŋì tá mùstsì]
tsháchild-pú-MALE ngìtwo together work-s-PROG-tsi-3D

33.  This mist will probably clear away.
Mùrk-di drò syáng-a.
[mù˞ʔk̚dì dʐò ɕáŋá]
Mùrkfog-di=PROX dròprobably syángclear-a.-FUT

34.  Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
Chá-sré bòt-re mù cét-ha.
[tɕʰáʂè bòʔt̚ɻè mù tɕéʔt̚há]
Cháwhere-sré-every bòtflower-re=PL beautiful cétgrow-ha.-PROG

35.  We should eat more slowly.
Thùn-le syé-nyi jà tsó-y-ke.
[tʰùnlè ɕéɲí dʑà tsójké]
Thùnbefore-le=COMP syéslow-nyi=ADV eat tsóshould-y-1P-ke=DED

36.  You have come too soon.
Jàt nàp te-phé-k.
[dʑàʔt̚ nàʔp̚ tépʰéʔk̚]
jàttoo nàpsoon te-2-phécome-k.-PST

37.  You must write more neatly.
Thùn-le thép-nyi bìr te-tsó-nyi.
[tʰùnlè tʰéʔp̚ɲí bì˞ tétsóɲí]
Thùnbefore-le=COMP thépneat-nyi=ADV bìrwrite te-2-tsómust-nyi.-EXCL

38.  Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
Nàn már trhóng-nyi chán-nyi drèp.
[nàn má˞ tʂʰóŋɲí tɕʰánɲí dʐèʔp̚]
Nànpalace márwonderful trhóngstraight-nyi=ADV chánopposite-nyi=ADV drèp.stand

39.  Henry's dog is lost.
Hén-rì-k kù màt.
[hénɻìʔk̚ kù màʔt̚]
Hén-rìHenry-k=GEN dog màt.lost

40.  My cat is black.
A-mùrng máng.
[àmù˞ŋ máŋ]
A-POSS.1S=mùrngcat máng.black