Verbal Morphology
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Butani / Kotic / Archaic Kotic / Verbal Morphology


The following endings were attached to the verb:

Present perfective-i
Past perfective-gha
Present imperfective-te
Past imperfective-nu
Imperfective imperative-u
1st person inclusive dual imperativekha-
1st person inclusive plural imperativetha-
2rd person dual imperativeda-
2rd person plural imperativeqa-

The vowels prefixes /ka/-, /ja/-, /sa/-, /xa/-, /θa/-, /da/- and /qa/- harmonize in quality with the next vowel.

When vowel syllables are reduced, long vowels are turned into short vowels and short vowels are eliminated in unstressed syllables, except if it would result in CCC arising, where then the short vowel is replaced by the preceding or, if not available, following vowel's quality. Final vowels are not elided except for /i/.

The /t/ in the ending -/te/ is reduced to gemination of the preceding consonant when adjacent to a consonant.

The /n/ in the ending -/nu/ is reduced to gemination and nasalization of the preceding consonant which adjacent to a consonant.

When CCC is present, otherwise they are broken up by inserting a short vowel taking the quality of the preceding or, if not available, following vowel, with long vowels being preferably broken up, and otherwise the short vowel being inserted on the side further away from the edge of the word.

If /kV/- does not have any preceding prefix, the vowel is deleted (or if that would result in CCC or no vowels at all, metathesized with the next consonant), the /k/ merges with the following consonant to form a geminate, and then the geminate is split by inserting a short vowel equal in quality to the next vowel.

/jV/- undergoes metathesis with the following consonant and then the /j/ is lost, in the process palatalizing the preceding consonant. If the vowel precedes a vowel, the two vowels merge into a long vowel.

If /sV/- precedes a single consonant, the vowel is deleted and the /s/ is placed adjacent to the next consonant.

If /θV/- precedes a single consonant, the vowel is deleted and the /θ/ is placed adjacent to the next consonant.

If /xV/- precedes /kV/- it is deleted.

The /wV/- undergoes metathesis with the following consonant, resulting in C-w-V; if this would result in two adjacent vowels the vowels become a long vowel. The following vowel is now backed. An epethetic short vowel is then inserted between the /w/ and the preceding vowel, agreeing in quality with the following now-backed vowel.

The vowel in /qV/- is deleted, or if that would result in CCC or no vowels at all, metathesized with the next consonant. Then /q/ merges with the following consonant to form a backed geminate, and then the geminate is split by inserting a short vowel equal in quality to the next vowel.

Word-initial and word-final CC is split into CVC where the vowel is a short vowel taking the quality of the following (or if there is not, preceding) vowel. When Cː is an ejective geminate, only the first becomes ejective while the second is de-ejectified.

When final CC occurs, /ɒ/ is appended after it.

Person/number marking

The following are affixed to the verb marking the patient in the indicative, optative, and subjunctive:

SingularExclusive dual(Inclusive) dualExclusive plural(Inclusive) plural
1st person-ma-lha-tse-va-na
2nd person-ya-be-za
3nd person masc.-ha-dze-cha
3nd person fem.-nya-ghe-ra
3nd person neut.-ta-de-wa


CVC > C1V1C2-kâ
CVCC > C1V1C2C3-okâ
CCVC > C1C2V1C3-kâ
CVCVC > C1V1C2C3-okâ


This is formed by marking the verb as a neuter noun.


See under Adjectival Morphology.

Indicative active present perfective

CVC > C1V1C2y
CVCC > C1V1C2C3y-â
CCVC > C1C2V1C3y
CVCVC > C1V1C2C3y-â

Indicative active present imperfective

CVC > C1V1C2l-e
CVCC > C1V1C2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > C1C2V1C3l-e
CVCVC > C1V1C2V1sC3l-e

Indicative active past perfective

CVC > C1V1C2-gha
CVCC > C1V1C2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > C1C2V1C3-gha
CVCVC > C1V1C2V1sC3-gha

Indicative active past imperfective

CVC > C1V1C2nl-u
CVCC > C1V1C2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > C1C2V1C3nl-u
CVCVC > C1V1C2V1sC3nl-u

Indicative antipassive present perfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2y-â
CVCC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2C3y-â
CCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V1sC3y
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V2C3y

Indicative antipassive present imperfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2l-e
CVCC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V1sC3l-e
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V2C3l-e

Indicative antipassive past perfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2-gha
CVCC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V1sC3-gha
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V2C3-gha

Indicative antipassive past imperfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2nl-u
CVCC > C1sV1sC1gsV1sC2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V1sC3nl-u
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1gsC2V2C3nl-u

Optative active present perfective

CVC > C1yV1lC2
CVCC > C1yV1lC2C3-â
CCVC > C1yV1sC2V1sC3
CVCVC > C1yV1sC2V2C3

Optative active present imperfective

CVC > C1yV1lC2l-e
CVCC > C1yV1lC2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > C1yV1sC2V1sC3l-e
CVCVC > C1yV1sC2V2C3l-e

Optative active past perfective

CVC > C1yV1lC2-gha
CVCC > C1yV1lC2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > C1yV1sC2V1sC3-gha
CVCVC > C1yV1sC2V2C3-gha

Optative active past imperfective

CVC > C1yV1lC2nl-u
CVCC > C1yV1lC2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > C1yV1sC2V1sC3nl-u
CVCVC > C1yV1sC2V2C3nl-u

Optative antipassive present perfective

CVC > c-V1sC1V1C2
CVCC > c-V1sC1V1C2C3-â
CCVC > c-V1lC1C2V1C3
CVCVC > c-V1sC1V1C2C3-â

Optative antipassive present imperfective

CVC > c-V1sC1V1C2l-e
CVCC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > c-V1lC1C2V1C3l-e
CVCVC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3l-e

Optative antipassive past perfective

CVC > c-V1sC1V1C2-gha
CVCC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > c-V1lC1C2V1C3-gha
CVCVC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3-gha

Optative antipassive past imperfective

CVC > c-V1sC1V1C2nl-u
CVCC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > c-V1lC1C2V1C3nl-u
CVCVC > c-V1sC1V1C2V1sC3nl-u

Subjunctive active present perfective

CVC > s-C1V1sC2y
CVCC > s-C1V1sC2C3y-â
CCVC > s-V1sC1C2V1sC3y
CVCVC > s-V1sC1C2V2C3y

Subjunctive active present imperfective

CVC > s-C1V1sC2l-e
CVCC > s-C1V1sC2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > s-V1sC1C2V1sC3l-e
CVCVC > s-V1sC1C2V2C3l-e

Subjunctive active past perfective

CVC > s-C1V1sC2-gha
CVCC > s-C1V1sC2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > s-V1sC1C2V1sC3-gha
CVCVC > s-V1sC1C2V2C3-gha

Subjunctive active past imperfective

CVC > s-C1V1sC2nl-u
CVCC > s-C1V1sC2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > s-V1sC1C2V1sC3nl-u
CVCVC > s-V1sC1C2V2C3nl-u

Subjunctive antipassive present perfective

CVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2y
CVCC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3y-â
CCVC > s-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3y
CVCVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3y-â

Subjunctive antipassive present imperfective

CVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2l-e
CVCC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3l-e
CCVC > s-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3l-e
CVCVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3l-e

Subjunctive antipassive past perfective

CVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2-gha
CVCC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3-gha
CCVC > s-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3-gha
CVCVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3-gha

Subjunctive antipassive past imperfective

CVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2nl-u
CVCC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3nl-u
CCVC > s-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3nl-u
CVCVC > s-V1s-k-C1V1C2V1sC3nl-u

Imperative 1st person dual active perfective

CVC > kh-V1sC1C2-â
CVCC > kh-V1sC1V1sC2C3-â
CCVC > kh-V1sC1C2V1sC3
CVCVC > kh-V1sC1C2V2C3

Imperative 1st person dual active imperfective

CVC > kh-V1sC1C2-u
CVCC > kh-V1sC1V1sC2C3-u
CCVC > kh-V1sC1C2V1sC3-u
CVCVC > kh-V1sC1C2V2C3-u

Imperative 1st person dual antipassive perfective

CVC > k-C1V1C2
CVCC > k-C1V1C2C3-â
CCVC > k-V1sC1C2V1C3
CVCVC > k-C1V1C2C3-â

Imperative 1st person dual antipassive imperfective

CVC > k-C1V1C2-u
CVCC > k-C1V1C2C3-u
CCVC > k-V1sC1C2V1C3-u
CVCVC > k-C1V1C2C3-u

Imperative 1st person plural active perfective

CVC > th-C1V1sC2
CVCC > th-C1V1sC2C3-â
CCVC > th-V1sC1C2V1sC3
CVCVC > th-V1sC1C2V2C3

Imperative 1st person plural active imperfective

CVC > th-C1V1sC2-u
CVCC > th-C1V1sC2C3-u
CCVC > th-V1sC1C2V1sC3-u
CVCVC > th-V1sC1C2V2C3-u

Imperative 1st person plural antipassive perfective

CVC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2
CVCC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-â
CCVC > th-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3
CVCVC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-â

Imperative 1st person plural antipassive imperfective

CVC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2-u
CVCC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-u
CCVC > th-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3-u
CVCVC > th-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person singular active perfective

CVC > C1V1C2
CVCC > C1V1C2C3-â
CVCVC > C1V1C2C3-â

Imperative 2nd person singular active imperfective

CVC > C1V1C2-u
CVCC > C1V1C2C3-u
CCVC > C1C2V1C3-u
CVCVC > C1V1C2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person singular antipassive perfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1dsV1sC2
CVCC > C1sV1sC1dsV1sC2C3-â
CCVC > C1sV1sC1dsC2V1sC3
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1dsC2V2C3

Imperative 2nd person singular antipassive imperfective

CVC > C1sV1sC1dsV1sC2-u
CVCC > C1sV1sC1dsV1sC2C3-u
CCVC > C1sV1sC1dsC2V1sC3-u
CVCVC > C1sV1sC1dsC2V2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person dual active perfective

CVC > d-V1sC1C2-â
CVCC > d-V1sC1V1sC2C3-â
CCVC > d-V1sC1C2V1sC3
CVCVC > d-V1sC1C2V2C3-

Imperative 2nd person dual active imperfective

CVC > d-V1sC1C2-u
CVCC > d-V1sC1V1sC2C3-u
CCVC > d-V1sC1C2V1sC3-u
CVCVC > d-V1sC1C2V2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person dual antipassive perfective

CVC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2
CVCC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-â
CCVC > d-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3
CVCVC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-â

Imperative 2nd person dual antipassive imperfective

CVC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2-u
CVCC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-u
CCVC > d-V1s-k-V1sC1C2V1C3-u
CVCVC > d-V1s-k-C1V1C2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person plural active perfective

CVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2-â
CVCC > C1qsV1s-w-V1sC2C3-â
CCVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2V1sC3
CVCVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2V2C3

Imperative 2nd person plural active imperfective

CVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2-u
CVCC > C1qsV1s-w-V1sC2C3-u
CCVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2V1sC3-u
CVCVC > C1qsV1s-w-C2V2C3-u

Imperative 2nd person plural antipassive perfective

CVC > q-C1V1C2
CVCC > q-C1V1C2C3-â
CCVC > q-V1sC1C2V1C3
CVCVC > q-C1V1C2C3-â

Imperative 2nd person plural antipassive imperfective

CVC > q-C1V1C2-u
CVCC > q-C1V1C2C3-u
CCVC > q-V1sC1C2V1C3-u
CVCVC > q-C1V1C2C3-u