Desert Language Notes
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Karmador / Elvish / Earth / Desert Elvish / Desert Language Notes

See overall Elvish document for grammar and vocabulary information.

If I were to create my own vocabulary and grammar, which is to say if I were to use this outside of D&D, the most frequently used sounds would be Z/V/F/ZH/X(KH)/GH, E/A/I.
While initial and medial consonants generally take a vowel, words may end in any consonant or vowel and N/L/R can precede other consonants. Vowels can always stand alone. See phonology page for more information on sounds.

The language is triple-pronoun, triple-gender.

Naming format is Adult + Child + Family.
Child: end in consonants
Male: end in Z or F
Female: end in N
Name-gender: end in Kh
Family: end in various consonants

Name-gender is a third gender, always used until the elf chooses their adult name, and then they choose if they want to keep the name gender or choose to be what is generally translated as male, or female. These are usually based on common roles, though there are no hard rules.
Name-gender uses no pronouns, but names, though neutral pronouns in other languages are an acceptable translation.