Old Eleutean words and roots
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots


–entuir, ['entujɾ], suf. Accusative-causative.

usage: Used to form the accusative-causative, plural. The singular is –entom.

related: ent–, entom
tags: accusative, case system
reverse terms: accusative-causative

–entom, suf. Accusative-causative.

usage: Used to form the accusative-causative, singular. The plural ending is –entuir.
Used to mark the direct object ("She reads a book") and the object of a preposition (the cause, hence 'causative') (She paid for the book).

related: ent–, entuir
tags: accusative, case system
reverse terms: accusative-causative