Old Eleutean words and roots
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots


–en, suf. Dative.

usage: Used to form the dative, singular. The plural ending is –ennuir.
Not only it marks the beneficiary of the verb's action (She the.pl keys aunt.dat hers give.3s.pret "She gave her aunt the keys"), but, with certain prepositions, it marks the locative (He (with)in pantry.dat the jar put.3s.pret "He put the jar in the pantry", "They live in Mareio").

related: ennuir
tags: case system, dative
reverse terms: dative

–ennuir, suf. Dative.

usage: Used to form the dative, plural. The singular is –en.

related: en
tags: case system, dative
reverse terms: dative