Old Eleutean words and roots
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots


ulmehe, v. to flow, to fly, to swim.

etymology: Arc ulm– "flow".
attestation: → Mdh olmei.
related: ulm–
reverse terms: flow, fly, swim

ulm–, r. flow.

attestation: Odh ulmehe "to flow, to fly, to swim" → Mdh olmei.
Odh úlumax "flux, flow" → Mdh oumë "stream", ulm "flux, flow".

related: ulmehe, úlumax
reverse terms: flow

úlumax, n. flux, flow.

etymology: Arc ulm– "flow".
attestation: Mdh oumë "stream", ulm "flux, flow".
related: ulm–, ulmehe
reverse terms: flow, flux