Old Eleutean words and roots
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots


aulsauthahax, n. sight, vista, view; observance.

etymology: From aulsauthahi "watched, observed" + –ax (nominative). It's a substantivized participle.
attestation: → Odh aulsauthàs (vulgar) → Mdh ölsössàs "sight".
related: aulsauthàs, aulsauthagdi
reverse terms: observance, sight, view, vista

aulsauthàs, n. sight, vista, view; observance.

usage: Vulgar form of aulsauthahax.

related: aulsauthahax
reverse terms: observance, sight, view, vista