Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean / derivation

The following dictionary entries are tagged derivation:

–a suf. Masculine.
–aedn suf. Participle.
Territorial dominion.
–air suf. Most (adjective).
–alodn suf. realm, sovereign principality, (con)federal state.
–an suf. Collective suffix.
–ane suf. Derivational suffix.
–arn suf. Weak noun.
–asse suf. Strong noun tied to the weak noun.
–at suf. Placenames.
–ath suf. Collective singular.
–aunattha suf. archipelago, group of islands.
–è suf. Masculine name.
–ë suf. Action/effect of the verb.
–eadn suf. Placenames, meaning "country".
–eàs suf. Strong noun.
–ei suf. Infinitive.
–eon suf. Weak noun tied to the root.
–eor suf. Weak noun tied to the root.
–erna suf. Augmentative.
–erthie suf. Abstraction.
–es suf. Placenames.
–eu (2) suf. Weak noun.
eur pref. half; almost.
–eure suf. Agent.
–evrurs suf.
–evyr suf. Weak noun.
–i suf. Strong and weak noun.
–ie suf. Feminine names.
iesy– r. common.
ies– r. common.
–igern suf. practitioner of magic (–mancer).
–in suf. Diminutive.
inn– pref. Passive verbs.
–ith suf. Ordinal.
–izyei suf. Verb.
–lodn suf. realm, sovereign principality, (con)federal state.
–mahtë suf. giver.
maht– r. to give; gift.
në– pref. Passive verbs.
–oë suf. Feminine.
–orneàs suf. Strong noun.
or– pref. without, inexistence.
–öyn suf. gerund.
–tevre suf. Action nouns.
–unt suf. Weak noun.
–ur suf. Adjective of quality.
–urs suf. Weak noun.
–vre suf. Action noun.
–yns suf. Diminutive and pejorative.
–yr (2) suf. Plural.