Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / infrastructure

The following dictionary entries are tagged infrastructure:

Danteyl Centunt arq. The main road that ties the core of Eleuthèa with its eastern regions.
Danteyl Dainunt arq. The main road running from Ruvai Barnusa to the Northern Moors, where it disappears.
Danteyl en Vresse arq. The Rain Road, the main road connecting Ruvai Barnusa with the western regions.
Danteyl Farhunt arq. The main road connecting Ruvai Barnusa with Eleuthea's southern regions.
Danteyl Rhosc arq. The main road running from Ruvai Barnusa to Mareio, through Centhedni and Calovnë.
Danteyl Rhuvunt arq. The Royal Road, a small road that connects Ruvai Barnusa with Ardaginz Castle and the Marbryr.
Danteyl Thhani arq. The Sacred Road, which connects the two Dhammaratian capitals of Ruvai Barnusa and Harbathhani.