Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / sea

All the seas and oceans.

The following dictionary entries are tagged sea:

Brauleant hyd. The Brauleant Sea, which is also a gulf of the Otnent Sea.
Irm ed Hyebernes hyd. The Sea of Hyebernes, on the Eleuthean Northern Lands.
Irm ed'Idives hyd. The Idives Sea, the area of the Otnent Ocean between Arnavalez island, Ivressë, Idives, western Arrantes, and the Thanivetursat.
Irm ed'Otnent hyd. The Otnent Sea, the part of the Otnent Ocean that is closest to Eleuthea.
Irm em Brauleant hyd. The Brauleant Sea, or gulf.
Irmyr ar Ölsössàs hyd. The Seas of Sight, the two inner seas in eastern Dhammarat.
Ölautna hyd. The southern Sea of Sight, east of Offecne.
Otnent hyd. The Otnent Ocean.
R'hynnòleu hyd. The dangerous strait connecting Brauleant with the Idives Sea, in western Eleuthea.