In which the years of activity of Riam Tanyersac in the Spheres of Ènnes are related
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / History of the Ybrearmèlleon / Chronography

There's no living soul in the Ybrearmèlleon that does not know of Raionas, who was, since his very birth, a human being of flesh and bones, later ascended to a demiurgic god. He made contact with Riam some time ago, and from him Riam knew about the Spheres of Ènnes and the multidimensional nature of the cosmos. Then, Riam left behind the warmth of the homely fireplace and entered the unknown, seeking more knowledge on those realities, for after the epiphany of Raionas this god had disappeared. Many countries Riam travelled and visited, and he meet mundane individuals of great wisdom and ignorance, and minds as illuminated as they were humble, and some wizards and magicians of knowledge so arcane and dark that would make laugh the most erudite person, only to die deeply madden soon afterwards.

Riam Tanyersac is the key to the creation of the Ybrearmèlleon and the organization of the migration of the surviving peoples to that realm, in the final of the Dhaula Varlauve. This timeline summarizes Riam's known activities and movements during the previous years to the Dhaula Varlauve and the first years of the new era.

Years before the Dhaula Varlauve are given in the old Dhammaratian calendar, while the years of the new era are those of the Eleuthean Calendar as designed by the daimon Eleuthescepta. Years in the Gregorian are also provided to allow comparison with our time.



~The Old Years are those when Riam travels along the Spheres of Ènnes before the Dhaula Varlauve~


This years marks the first known appearance of Riam in the Spheres of Ènnes. According to himself, it was then that he was allowed to enter the Spheres after some years of learning and training; permission was granted by Raionas himself.

31MG / Riam appears on the Spheres of Ènnes and lives for a short time in the Brezh. After that, he abandons the Spheres, but will return to them in short sojourns that will become increasingly longer. During these, he will learn some of the secrets of these space-time spheres.

It is ignored when Riam's last visit to the Spheres of Ènnes took place before a long hiatus of some years. It is thought that the increasing problems in Eleuthèa, which would lead to the Dhaula Varlauve a few years later, forced him to stay there, attending his duties as a member of the royal court.


After a long hiatus, Riam returns to the Spheres of Ènnes, travelling without a fixed course through various and diverse realms that he finds along the way.

07FB / Riam lands on Tevessaget, a realm placed on alpine valleys surrounded by snowy peaks, above and below. The place is sleepy, yet pacific and well-ordered, where everyone hides money and works of art. According to Riam's words, this realm no longer exists, but it was an early inspiration to create a realm of his own years later.
09FB / Riam reaches the Sea of Autthanoerra, placed within a larger sea, or ocean, the Madvenic Sea. There he discovers what he names "Rhy of Autthanoerra", a daimonic entity native to the Empyrean.
13FB / Riam arrives at Cordovelya, herbaceous capital of Sanganyeyl, the country where the Lhaneries of Sanganyeyl were founded. Like that famous tale of old, this land is pleasing to the senses, and inhabited by a people who are tame and more tameable, and ruled by a wolf-in-sheep-robes, Vilkas VII.
21FB / Although his presence in the Spheres of Ènnes is now practically permanent, he returns to Ruvai Barnusa, the imperial capital, in a short and quick visit. Things are not going well in the city and other parts of the realm. Affair of the Blue Marats (Riam participates as an observer and, ultimately, as a sort of improvised detective).
26FB / Riam returns to the Spheres, where he visits the region of Marindi. There, he finds Tartiji, ruled by pirates or, at least, barely organized rogue peoples. Two days later, the War of the Eleuthean Succession starts in Aerglè, unknown to him for many days.
15AB / Riam returns to the Autthanoerra Sea, where he meets the Arrogant Leucotauros of Aphralogea, a mighty dark wizard from which he learns some arcane secrets. After some time of learning and esoteric initiations, Riam dreams of forging a realm of his own to allow himself a permanent inner exile.
17AB / He sees Veulerva, one of the many flying fortresses of the culture of the same name. This is the native place of the Valents Vencedors of Lyancivolant. Riam resides there until the Eleuthean mid-summer.
09JL / Riam leaves behind Veulerva and returns to Aerglè. There, in the Mirlean Library of Thaniveturs, he meets for the first time Lady Zamalatze, who tells him of the beginning of the Dhaula Varlauve.
10JL / The next day, Riam meets Igilgili in an undisclosed place in Feàmich, northern Eleuthèa. Matter of the visit and the long conversation is unknown.
23JL / Quick travel to Arenanequera, a realm in the Autthanoerra Sea.


13FB / First visit to the Spheres of Ènnes after more than half a year in Aerglè. He visits the Brotherhood of Beroidea.
19FB / The Brotherhood of Beroidea shows him the cybernetic army of Thèssera.
20FB / Not far from there, Riam meets Eleuthescepta. His conversation with the daimon is of central importance to the upcoming movements, since after it, he is determined to create his own world and leave Aerglè behind forever.
27FB / He visits Mievalodne. Days of honey and beer, but toilets are weird.
14 MG / He is tested by the Sovereign Order of the Auvernezhans.
18MG / Riam returns to Aerglè and visits the Forest of Sathýrion, where he talks with some representatives of the natives about the widespread destruction the Dhaula Varlauve is causing.
08JN / Another visit to Marindi. Smoking beards and more piracy.


~The New Years begin some time between the founding of the Ybrearmèlleon and the end of the Dhaula Varlauve~

Between 2016 and 2021 little is known about Riam's deeds and travels. He was probably working full-time on the creation of the Ybrearmèlleon, testing again and again the codification of the necessary transfers he had planned. The daimons Eleuthescepta and Rhy are known to have helped him in certain occasions during these years.


11MR / Thanks to his knowledge of magic, Riam founds the Ybrearmèlleon with the help of certain daimonic entities. Some parts and elements of Eleuthèa and Aerglè are transferred to the newly forged hyperuranic realm. After that, construction of Arràs Tanyersac (Tanyersac Castle) begins.
23AB / Arràs Tanyersac is finished on this date, with the village at its feet.
11DS / The Ybrearmèlleon becomes a commonwealth with the admission of Bufanúvols, Bondiavesprenit, and Tantarantana.
18DS / Barrufeyl, Capicoronelya, and Marrameu are admited to Tanyersac Castle and, therefore, to the Ybrearmèlleon.
19DS / Sanganyeyl is admitted to the Ybrearmèlleon.
20DS / Abeylbegoter, Catalaunicorn, Celestelat, Ornicantelyut, and Fornivelyat arrive at Tanyersac Castle, and they're admitted to the Ybrearmèlleon. The aur is adopted as the new Ybrearmèllean currency. An announcement is published calling all survivors to the Dhaula Varlauve that are loyal to the Traditional Line, to move to the Ybrearmèlleon.
21DS / The Dungeonesque Jail of Tavegavelya is created in the underground levels of Arràs Tanyersac. The Company of Dragons of Vernimulyat and the police corps of Valents Vencedors of Lyancivolant are established; they serve as, respectively, the army and the police force of the Ybrearmèlleon. Lady Zamalatze movs to Arràs Tanyersac and becomes the caretaker of the libraries of Arràs Tanyersac.
22DS / The theatre company of Omenodèon is officially established with a great feast organized by the Xaminerol's Xauxa Xerinolaire. Bruixdebruguer visits Arràs Tanyersac and establishes himself on the moorlands north of the castle. Desencaragolaire becomes the twenty-second official inhabitant of Arràs Tanyersac.


07GN / The last survivors of the Dhaula Varlauve arrive at the Ybrearmèlleon. A sort of foreign office is founded by Riam and his counsellors.
11MR / 1sr anniversary of the Ybrearmèlleon.
10JN / Catalaunicorn becomes the chief of the foreign office.
21JN / The first embassy is opened in Isyiiara.
24AG / All the works of art saved from the Dhaula Varlauve are well stored and catalogued, at last. A small but representative collection is permanently exhibited at Arràs Tanyersac.
14NV / The Ybrearmèllean Company of General Adquisitions is founded on Rades d'Argent, Aszarda's port district. Rhy of Autthanoerra is now known to reside in the Ybrearmèlleon after he (accidentally?) topples a small area of the Autochthons Wilderness. Since then he's known as Rhy of the Autochthons.
21NV / The daimons Araencheair, Tivernach, Myddyvalaonn, Arhalogeann, and Arvernieth become apparent in the Ybrearmèlleon.
4DS / The practical total destruction of Eleuhtèa's core, Dhammarat, is confirmed by this date. The day after, spacetime ties with Aerglè are definitely and permanently cut from the Ybrearmèlleon. With that action, all its physical, geographical, and cosmodynamic elements that were transferred to the Ybrearmèlleon are definitely integrated to the realm. The Ybrearmèllean physical world is finished.


02GN / More diplomatic missions are sent throughout the Spheres of Ènees, seeking suitable allies and friends.
04GN / Riam trusts Rhero Cires with the creation of a back-up realm, "just in case...".
31MG / Isyiiara is fully integrated to the Ybrearmèlleon as a separated infernal world, a kind of paradise hell inhabited by most of the daimons and demons that helped Riam in his demiurgic project.