Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots / root

The following dictionary entries are tagged root:

berb– r. hand, palm.
cernlo– r. to pierce, to cut easily; hole; pierced.
cern– r. to sharpen, to whet; sharp.
cthens– r. to slumber.
finr– r. to plough; furrow, groove.
gign– r. to tread, to step on, to set foot on; track, footprint.
hemr– r. to breathe; breathing, respiration.
larn– r. blade.
laur– r. to cut.
le– r. ray, beam, spout; radius.
maget– r. to give; gift, offering.
magtens– r. to offer; offering.
magt– r. to give; gift.
mouslo– r. to humidify, to moisten, to dampen.
mulsens– r. to soak.
muls– r. to moist; moisture; moist, wet.
nadr– r. to freeze; ice; cold, frigid, frozen.
napl– r. to eat, to ingest; food.
naur– r. to freeze; ice; cold, frigid, frozen.
neg– r. natural knot, tangled clump, small and compact ball, knuckle, protuberance.
nogn– r. to bind, to tie, to attach; binding, tie, link.
odens– r. to smell like, to stink; aroma, flavour, scent, stench.
odlo– r. to smell, to sniff; inherent smell, typical odour.
od– r. smell, odour.
pher– r. to bring, to carry (something, an action), to do.
phöpdens– r. to kill, to sacrifice; homicide.
phöpdlo– r. to assassinate, to murder, to kill in purpose.
phöpid– r. to kill, to murder; murder, killing.
rauts– r. three; twine, twist.
rauzuirn– r. to thread, to weave together, to intertwine; thread, braid.
steuk– r. to sleep.
stukens– r. to slumber.
tekex– r. to prosper.
tek– r. to gain, to obtain, to grow, to prosper; wealth, growth, prosperity.
tkëxens– r. to amass, to accumulate, to gather, to harvest; treasure, accumulated wealth, collection, harvest.
tkëxlo– r. to get rich, to catch, to seize; richness, material wealth, affluence; rich, affluent.
tsuklo– r. to dream, to slumber; dream.
zuirn– r. to bind, to tie; knot.