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Absences (2014-05-14 21:27:26) :
what conference
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-14 21:27:26.
Bugs, Requests, and Changes (2014-05-13 11:59:49) :
i propose against one
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-13 11:59:49.
Request for ideas: redesigning forum posts (2014-05-10 21:13:12) :
[quote Nessari]No, bu many walk around with their credit card balances displayed prominently (clothes/cars/etc).[/quote]this is exactly my point. wealth + credit is expressed graphically!

owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-10 21:13:12.
Request for ideas: redesigning forum posts (2014-05-10 18:01:36) :
[quote Rhetorica]Incidentally I've been considering just such a metric—one that would intuitively relate a sense of the user's overall progress to the next ranking, how much work they did to get to their current ranking, and yet be simple to calculate. I call this invention "post count." The patent application has already been submitted.

(While we're waiting for the patent to be awarded, I've updated Ness's post to include the actual thresholds. There's also another scheme that people w...
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-10 18:01:36.
Your battle stations (big images) (2014-05-10 13:47:11) :
maybe it is a dutch wife
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-10 13:47:11.
Request for ideas: redesigning forum posts (2014-05-10 00:42:29) :
i still think there should be some, perhaps graphical, way of marking the rank number, so we don't have to look up that aedile ~ marquis ~ transition metal
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-10 00:42:29.
Test thread! (2014-05-09 11:07:08) :
lol [url]http://тест.укр/wp-content/themes/tm01/images/bg_ukr.jpg[/url] includes the crimea

that ditch in poland is going to be the worst
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-09 11:07:08.
Test thread! (2014-05-08 21:52:01) :
don't do that, then
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-08 21:52:01.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-08 06:21:19) :
[quote Rhetorica]
[b]Hedíara hakrodekloi vizé apawa olika alérizeya ilsithizé mí anthro—elı stilsithekhta oshú oksíkwônoi hé lí kadzhíranai.[/b]
A human should not speak of kings in this way—such preaching is for [alien] slave-owners and their [collaborating, treacherous, villainous] slaves.[/quote]

[b]Tid dⅠdu śutidogagai Ⅰacib. PśaⅠieⅡariu radobotcwsu epśe pasgai to; dⅠdu rescwsbu-śaiś edai bidgai.[/b]
[i]and 3S-NOM be.truthful-PAST certainly | Machiavelli-NOM preacher-NOM...
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-08 06:22:34.
Rhebus Volume 5: More EZ-mode [3/10 + key] (2014-05-05 15:31:14) :
maybe he has some musculoskeletal disorder and is REALLY TRYING HARD YOU CUNT ;_;
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-05 15:31:14.
Maps (2014-05-04 12:41:42) :
north sea supremacy
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-04 12:41:42.
Maps (2014-05-04 03:04:38) :
[quote Nortaneous]Earth principles of the geologic science

ps why is it britain and who put scotland on steroids[/quote]

it isn't. britain has a nice progression from old in the northwest to new in the southeast. that's a mess.
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-04 03:04:38.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 11:45:16) :
[b]pśiu pudbu dwtißurca pipca epi pogdeⅡdutaitai :E [/b]
[g 1S-NOM]Pśiu[/g] [g end-ACC]pudbu[/g] [g name-GENI]dwtißurca[/g] [g 2S-GENI]pipca[/g] [g VIS]epi[/g] [g]pogdeⅡdutaitai[/g]
i will cut off your nominative ending (lit: end of your name) :E

(i.e. ur mum [translator's note: shapshiruckish names end in a matronymic] (not really, they're savages and have no idea what to call nominative endings))
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 11:45:16.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 08:57:13) :
[b]Dortediesu gⅠbgⅠbu dⅠdu Ⅰußer epśe-paß giß pas[/b]
[g Nortaneous-NOM]Dortediesu[/g] [g child-REDUP-NOM]gⅠbgⅠbu[/g] [g 3s-NOM]dⅠdu[/g] [g one]Ⅰußer[/g] [g IS=who]epśe=paß[/g] [g be.queer]giß[/g] [g ICOP]pas[/g]
Nortaneous is a gay baby

this is really not a terse language at all
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 08:58:59.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 07:25:08) :
[b]ⅡipcecwⅢou eśⅠ dietigdu, bou cotui casab[/b]!
[g talk-NMLS-ABS-NOM]Ⅱipce-cw(s)-Ⅲo-u[/g] [g VIIIS]eśⅠ[/g] [g waste-PERF]dietig-du[/g] [g 1P-NOM]bou[/g] [g fight-IRR]cotui[/g] [g now]casab[/g]
jabbering is useless, let's fight!
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 07:25:08.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-05-03 07:05:48) :
[b]pipu pśitai śituig pipu pecitai pśica epi śituig pipu roblubu ero pigasigcasi siero-sorwp rwtwpśaistai pśica epi taibwdtuig[/b]
[g 2S-NOM]pip-u[/g] [g 1S-GENII]pśi-tai[/g] [g mingere-IRR-IMP]śi-tui-g[/g] [g 2S-NOM]pip-u[/g] [g face-GENII]peci-tai[/g] [g 1S-GENI]pśi-ca[/g] [g VIS]epi[/g] [g mingere-IRR-IMP]śi-tui-g[/g] [g 2S-NOM]pip-u[/g] [g flow-AGE-ACC]rob-Ⅰub-bu[/g] [g IVS]ero[/g] [g river-GENI-PL]pigasig-ca-si[/g] [g IVP=yellow]siero=sorwp[/g] [g belly-GENII]rwtwpśais-tai[/g] [g 1S-GEN...
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 07:05:48.
happiness thread (2014-05-03 06:23:57) :
[|Plebs are needed!]
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 06:23:57.
Marx articles tracker (2014-05-03 02:06:36) :
u see that


thats u that is
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-03 02:06:36.
Marx articles tracker (2014-05-02 14:47:39) :
oh, i mostly had in mind environmentalist/vegetarian type arguments from people who try to make people continue to pattern match the liberal 'all people deserve such and such rights!' and extend it to animals, ecosystems, Cultures, etc.. so eating chickens is bad because chickens are people too. polluting the earth is bad because it harms our precious bhumi gaia mother etc etc etc.

but i also include those weird people on the left, and even a lot of rightist christians, who come up with...
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-02 15:03:27.
Marx articles tracker (2014-05-02 14:10:57) :
what nonpersons
owned by Pthagnar, last edited 2014-05-02 14:10:57.

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