Ex foris
Here's a sample text demonstrating the nduo-cɔr, the writing system used for Tǝɣra. The text is quite interesting linguistically, and the script is a fuckup (no, it's not a straightforward abugida)- but translating this has taken me long enough that I just want it off my screen before I start any commentary.
Cyuo cwɔʔ a yao, wɔʔ a rɛr xe yiṃ. Mbe wor xe tǝtoṃ wa aṃ, mbe ci-ṅgae xe ci. cyuoonce_opon_a_time cwɔʔday_of_rest aGEN yaomorning, wɔʔsun aGEN rɛrrise xeALL yiṃbefore. mbeCONJ worcity xeALL tǝtoṃlead waINV aṃ3SG, mbeCONJ ci-ṅgaeplace_of_execution xeALL ciin. It was the morning of the Day of Rest, before the sun rose. And they bought him into the city, to the place of execution. Mbe su-cǝhoʔ ñɨsyer ṅgae a ṅae nɛṃ a mruo ñjeṃ wa. Mbe nɨyea wa aṃ, yɛʔ sua-ṅao ndu yi suo, rɨñer yɛṃ ye nɨyea wa ñji nde yɛʔ. mbeCONJ suhand-cǝhoʔ=foot ñɨsyerbind ṅgaeexecution aGEN ṅaecustom nɛṃ3PL aGEN mruoamong ñjeṃEQU waINV. mbeCONJ nɨyeacurse waINV aṃ3SG, yɛʔQUOT sua-ṅaomighty nduPRF yiINV suofall.PRF, rɨñergod yɛṃPL yeERG nɨyeacurse waINV ñji2SG ndeOPT yɛʔQUOT. And they bound his hands and his feet as was their custom for executions. And they taunted him him, saying, the strong have fallen, may you be cursed by the gods. Mbe nɛṃ ye ñɨsyer cǝhom ta efaṃ, mbe nɨyea wa aṃ ndreo, nɛṃ kǝsɔr aṃ a lǝhreṃ yɛṃ a mu-nɔ-lɨɣao, yɛʔ rɨñer yɛṃ ye nɨyea wa ñji nde, ñji ñjer cɨɣao xe nde yɛʔ. mbeCONJ nɛṃ3PL yeERG ñɨsyerbind cǝhoṃrope taINST efaṃneck, mbeCONJ nɨyeacurse waINV aṃ3SG ndreomore, nɛṃ3PL kǝsɔrpraise aṃ3SG aGEN lǝhreṃenemy yɛṃPL aGEN muname-nɔ-lɨɣao=title, yɛʔQUOT rɨñergod yɛṃPL yeERG nɨyeacurse waINV ñji2SG ndeOPT, ñji2SG ñjergo cɨɣaounderword xeALL ndeOPT yɛʔQUOT And they placed the rope around his neck and they taunted him again, praising the names and titles of his enemies, and saying, may the gods curse you, may you go to the netherworld. Mbe aṃ mboe mo, yɛʔ nio nɔ-nɨsɔh ñji he? Nio çiʔ a hǝsa. mbeCONJ aṃ3SG mboereply moANT, yɛʔQUOT niothis nɔ-nɨsɔhmanhood ñji2PL heINT? niothis çiʔshame aGEN hǝsagibbet. And he replied, saying, is this your manhood? This is a gibbet of shame. Mbe nɨsɔh yɛṃ ye nie wa aṃ, yɛʔ rɨñer sǝsɛr nde por nde yɛʔ, mbe rɨñer rɔe wa aṃ yɛʔ rɨñer-cwor ye crao mu a ṅu nde yɛʔ. mbeCONJ nɨsɔhman yɛṃPL yeERG niespeak waINV aṃ3SG, yɛʔQUOT rɨñergod sǝsɛrprepare ndeOPT pormeet ndeOPT yɛʔQUOT mbeCONJ rɨñergod rɔepray waINV aṃ3SG yɛʔQUOT rɨñergod-cwor=servant yeERG craoremember muname aGEN ṅu1SG ndeOPT yɛʔQUOT And again they spoke to him, saying, prepare to meet the gods. And he prayed to the gods, saying, may the gods and their servants remember my name. Mbe nɨsɔh yɛṃ ye lao wa aṃ. Mbe reo kǝçeo ci-ṅgae a ci, cir-cio a ci, kar a ci. Cwɔʔ a yao, wor wɔʔ rɛr Kǝñer a mbor a wao mo. mbeCONJ nɨsɔhman yɛṃPL yeERG laohang waINV aṃ3SG. mbeCONJ reogreat kǝçeojubilation ci-ṅgaeplace_of_execution aGEN ciin, cir-ciostreet aGEN ciin, karmarket aGEN ciin. cwɔʔday_of_rest aGEN yaomorning, worwhen wɔʔsun rɛrrise KǝñerPN aGEN mborwall aGEN waoover moANT. And so they hanged him. and a great shout went up in the place of execution and in the streets and in the markets. It was the morning of the Day of Rest, as the sun rose over the walls of Kǝñer.
Cheers guys.
Embarrassingly, I forgot I forgot to answer this. Simply put, the direct-inverse alignment with erg-abs marking I'm making use of is a vague riff of what happens in the rGyalrong languages, influenced by marking structures my source language (which I'd prefer to remain a bit cagey about at the moment, for sheer perversity.) I don't have a rationale per se beyond "a natlang's done something pretty damn similar!"
Ma chi dovrebbe perfezionarti in italiano se non lo facessi tu? But who's going to improve your Italian if you're not going to do it yourself? (Per la prima persona del condizionale, se dice dovrei- la forma dovrebbe è la terza persona.) (The first person singular conditional it's dovrei- the form dovrebbe is third person.) in thread: Talk in a natlang, y'all
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