<!>Quote Thread (2014-06-25 01:21:31)
Quote Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Quote Thread / <!>Quote Thread (2014-06-25 01:21:31)

? Yaali Annar The Gote
posts: 94
, Initiate Speaker message
YaaliAnnar: Also, what if the truncated word is still a valid word?
YaaliAnnar: Like butt < buttimilate, buttembly.
CUM_Kaese: YaaliAnnar, I know your english is non-native,
CUM_Kaese: but... buttimilate is not an english word

CUM_Kaese: Man if I was a Jew I would totally use my magical powers to interfere in the Iranian election
CUM_Kaese: that's nowhere near *all* I would use my magical powers for
CUM_Kaese: but it is one thing I would use them for

YaaliAnnar: Not really… English doesn’t have /2 9 y M/
Moon: Yaali: yeah it does. Oh well no M but front roundeds are defs a thing
Nesescosac: moon: i've heard californian has M
Moon: California is also of Satan.

YaaliAnnar: Back when I used to draw on paper I used to draw butts and then flush it down the toilet. It’s like some sort of twisted sand mandala.
Rhetorica: Worst mandala ever.
Moon: Modern Art.