<!>Romanization Thread (2014-07-18 23:03:19)
Romanization Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Romanization Thread / <!>Romanization Thread (2014-07-18 23:03:19)

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Both consonants and vowels can be long.

/p pʼ b t tʼ d k kʼ ɡ q qʼ ʔ/
/ts tsʼ dz tʂ tʂʼ dʐ tɕ tɕʼ dʑ/
/ɸ β θ ð s z ɬ ʂ ʐ ɕ ʑ x ɣ χ h/
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ/
/r l ʎ/
/w j/

/i u/
/e o/
/æ ɒ/

Not represented is lowering and, for low consonants, backing of vowels adjacent to uvulars and clusters containing them, deaffrication of affricates before other affricates, and de-ejectification of ejectives after the first in a word.

/dæ hæ wæχɒ mi jærːeɲæ heɣtokʼɒ dæ hæ θo βæɻtɕɒtʼæ bixru kolræ tɒ tætwitɕ/
/tsʼu dæ hæ sæqʼχemːetʼæ wowjozæ kʼi dæ hæ sitɕænːetʼæ bæjræ tɕæːtɒ qʼæχmokʼɒ gugwula/
/dæ hæ pɒːkɒ kæ tɕerɣætʼæ tɒɲrokʼɒ θo hæ ʑutʂæ xolræ jox jærɣætʼæ bodʐoxsæ tʼærtɕɒ tɒ χælβɒ/
/dæ hæ mi jærːetʼæ zdotʂkʼɒ kotʂtɕɒ jo tsækrɒ tɒ bædʑlɒræ/