<!>Dakota resources (2014-11-13 19:21:16)
Dakota resources
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Terra Firma / Dakota resources / <!>Dakota resources (2014-11-13 19:21:16)

? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
You're gonna have to be more specific. The grammars in the Pile are named just according to what they call the language in the title and in some cases this differs from modern terminological conventions— e.g. the Boas & Deloria grammar goes under "Dakota" but is mostly about the Teton dialect a.k.a. Lakota. For whatever reason, almost all recent (as in, the last 100 years) stuff published has been in Teton/Lakota rather than Santee-Sisseton/Dakota, so just about the only Dakota stuff you find are descriptions from the 1800s.

For the Sioux dialect cluster, the most oft-cited work is Boas & Deloria but you're just as well-off with Rood & Taylor's chapter in the Handbook of North American Indians vol 17: Languages or the ~100 page grammar sketch in the New Lakota Dictionary. I find Ingham's grammar is pretty good too, but the version in the Pile is kinda low-rez so it can be hard to tell the difference between ejective kʾ and aspirated kʿ.