quoting Izambri, Duke, the Findible League:
A subway is an electric railway system devised to carry people in an urban area with a high capacity and frequency of pass that operates in an exclusive infrastructure, often underground.
Wit Tautis nainun warrun caitus ni parhassi.PRTC ETHN-SG.NOM none-N.SG.ACC word-SG.ACC this-N.PL.ABL NEG understand-PROSP.NONACT.3SG
A Tautis wouldn't understand a single word of these.
quoting Izambri, Duke, the Findible League:
In other words: a large magically-run iron caravan that can carry a large amount of people.
Al parhassi ca warra.But understand-PROSP.NONACT.3SG this-N.PL.ACC word-PL.ACC
But he would understand these words.