<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2016-08-03 22:52:20)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2016-08-03 22:52:20)

? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía: Dis, Major Belt 1
Koisilitróno alez-súno zeltútshani veshekhta rán kezalokezonélle hé alestitrélle anòra da? Thelsofenei tebildoi moi aloniledéne osh' gotildadti lúthogeda sútshôllo lóin zhanóes yestalya íróes 'ka.
community.M-NOM-SG NEG.WHICH.M gender.F.GEN experience.F-NOM FOR.hate.decide_to_hate.3PL-PST AND snub.3PL-PST consider.2SG-AOR Q? self.fuck.GDV strong desire.N-ACC-SG PURPOSE woman.F-ACC-PL self_transfer.PASV kind.M-DAT-SG 3.PL-GEN reshape.3PL-AOR often.ADV have.3PL-AOR GNO
Have you considered a community that doesn't despise* or refuse** to acknowledge your gender identity? Gay men often have a powerful, jealous interest in remoulding transwomen into their kin.

* Not quite literal.
** Also not quite literal.