<!>Bugs, Requests, and Changes (2016-10-03 17:33:57)
Bugs, Requests, and Changes
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? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
quoting Rhetorica, Kelatetía: Dis, Major Belt 1:
User profiles will now refuse to let new blog posts be made if one called 'Untitled Entry' already exists. In unrelated news, salamanders are incredibly lazy creatures.

Up until now I was thinking "why is this my fault; also your 'solution' is the laziest thing I've seen", then I realized what Annie is, viz: a wiki that simply doesn't look like one.

Which makes this behaviour make a whole lot more sense.

That said, it still doesn't make as much sense as it should. For example: Why do the blog posts act differently then every other kind of post (with the... partial exception of forum posts?) Instead of prompting you for a page name and then giving you the fields for the page content, it creates an empty post with the title "Untitled Post" and then gives you a screen for editing that post. This is evidenced by the fact that if you close that page without saving, the empty "Untitled Post" will still exist.

Other kinds of articles have similar behaviour, viz. you create an article and are then brought to a screen for editing it. Which makes sense, from some perspectives, but it has the unfortunate consequences of (1) you have to have a separate screen just to give your article a title, (2) if you decide after that first screen that you don't want it after all, you have to explicitly go and delete the article you just created.

On the other hand, I'd expect given this model that the URL I get sent to after the first screen be e.g. http://anthologi.ca/?id=257839&mode=edit. But it's not, it's just http://anthologi.ca. Is there rerouting involved here?

One odd behaviour which I don't think was intentional is, if you change a page title and hit 'save', the SUCCESS screen has the *old* page title and not the new one.

Another odd behaviour is, if you rename an article to the same title as an existing article, then it won't be renamed, but all of the content will be lost.

The wiki model makes sense in many respects, like, there's no point creating two articles with the same title, so we can do that here. But it does fail in others, especially if there is only one namespace (and I'm presuming there is, because you don't give one in the URI—but then again the function which determines what page to edit must be checking namespaces somehow, probably just in the form of authors, because I can create a blog post called "Big..." with no problem.) When we get to the matter of dictionary entries, is necessarily, well, necessary to be able to create two things with the same title, and the way in which the site handles this—wouldn't be unnecessarily klugy on its *own*, but we already *have* a function for resolving namespace disputes when the author isn't implied, so why don't we use it?

I'm not sure if hitting "reply" to a forum post is creating an article in the same way—if I close the page it doesn't seem to be created, and I can't locate it through the search function either, so probably not, but if that's the case, well, I don't understand, why don't we do this with other things?

I'm sorry that I'm being critical like this; I know that Cadre largely works and everything that I've complained about, both in this post and in the past, has been stupid things that I should just be able to work around. And I don't want to naysay inelegant solutions—I'd be all kinds of hypocritical if I did. But if the things I've been talking about aren't just, the way they are for a good reason, then I'd honestly be willing to do the work to make them better. If only for my own benefit.