Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Context 34 / Weyötiss / Λεχσικον το Ϝεͱο̨τισς / ηυπαρχο

ηυπαρχο, /hu.par.kʰɔ/, v. 1. I exist
2. I become
3. (c. dat) I become of, happen to
4. (rarely c. obj) I become, I will be

usage: May be used with the verbal noun in slang speech to express a periphrastic future, e.g. Ιογ τον κονσηερ αλλς ηυπαρχο "I'm gonna see the concert."
The form πακχο may also be used in slang speech.
<todo: expand this>

ηυπαρχο, ηυπαρχσο, ηυπαρχις, ηυπαρχικ, α ηυπαρχα
reverse terms: 1