Old Eleutean words and roots
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Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Old Eleutean words and roots


leax, n. ray.

usage: By extension, "lightning".
The root, le–, is used extensively to derive other nouns.

etymology: Odh le– "ray, beam; radius" + –ax (nom sg).
attestation: → Mdh lhè "ray".
related: le–
tags: nature
reverse terms: ray

le–, r. ray, beam, spout; radius.

usage: An uncommon root, in that it ends in a vowel.

attestation: Odh leax "ray".
→ Mdh lhè "ray".

related: leax
tags: root
reverse terms: beam, radius, ray