Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / preposition

The following dictionary entries are tagged preposition:

a prep. to, towards
an prep. in, into
antar prep. between, among
ap prep. from, off, since
car prep. inside, in the middle of
cun prep. with
cuntai prep. along; in accordance with, after.
eftar prep. after, behind.
es prep. out (of)
estar prep. outside of, without
prep. by, with
of prep. against
par prep. through, across
prai prep. at, near.
pró prep. (+ acc, loc) before, in front of; (+ dat) for.
protar2 prep. before, ago, earlier.
sam2 prep. with.
uddar2 prep. under, below.
uf prep. around; about; circa.