Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / direction

The following dictionary entries are tagged direction:

a prep. to, towards
an prep. in, into
antar prep. between, among
cuntai prep. along; in accordance with, after.
eftar prep. after, behind.
epar adv. back, backwards.
es prep. out (of)
forchu n. South; noon
níti n. sunset, West, occident
níticus adj. Western
nítiscus adj. Western, occidental (manner)
of prep. against
orti n. rise; sunrise, East
orticus adj. Eastern
par prep. through, across
par- prep. through; overly, too much; totally
pommo pron. whence, from where; why
pró prep. (+ acc, loc) before, in front of; (+ dat) for.
súlu adv. to the back, backwards.
súlus n. back; backside, rear.
uddar2 prep. under, below.
uf prep. around; about; circa.