Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean / qualifier

The following dictionary entries are tagged qualifier:

aredne adj. civic, civil (weak noun); citizenry [strong noun).
caerl adj. grand, great, magnificent.
caure n. curve, bend, twist.
dainunt adj. northern.
–eàs suf. Strong noun.
–eu (2) suf. Weak noun.
–evrurs suf.
–evyr suf. Weak noun.
glau adj. profane, pollute, rude.
gyeanturs adj. artistic.
hur adj. old.
ladne adj. venerable, deserving to be worshipped.
mur adj. beautiful, well-formed, suitable, apt.
navrë n. cold; cool.
ofe adj. smooth, soft, mild.
periedneth adj. pathetic.
–unt suf. Weak noun.
–urs suf. Weak noun.
ventunt adj. western, occidental.