NSFW Pictures
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / NSFW Pictures

? Yaali Annar The Gote
posts: 94
, Initiate Speaker message
In this thread we share not-safe-for-work pictures.

I'll start:

? Jipí der saz ûf eime steine
posts: 291
, Transition Metal message
Staplerfahrer Klaus, a 90s classic of work-related humor. It's in German, though.
? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía message
That doesn't matter. I know it by the title alone, and it does not need translation to be gut-busting.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Actually, I found the auto-translated auto-transcribed subtitles were about 40-50% comprehensible. (It is impressive!)

But it's not just forklifts that do stupid lifting tricks:

? Torco Learner of Stuff
posts: 220
, Conversational Speaker message
What? it would be *very* unsafe if that were to happen in my workplace.