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Pretty Scripties Showcase Thread (2015-08-20 18:46:35) :
I'm not sure about prettyness, but I love scripts that  have letters that flow into each other:

The text says "!ahas dakakela chigils hel tes dadaon", which translates to "the king has not the power to rule, if not given by God".
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-20 18:46:36.
Request for calendars (2015-08-18 21:27:24) :
(edit: I can't count, it looks like it IS 365 days).

Saltha's calendar has 14 months each with 5 weeks and each week with 5 days, and then a 15th month with 15 days that are out of the year. So basicly being able to set # of days in a week would make this work. Also, setting 1st/last day of the year so it doesn't have to be Jan 1st.
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-18 21:33:24.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-15 15:14:39) :
[b]Etes daolrelshire faldaginai[/b]
Etes da-olrelshire fal-da-gi-nai
give SUBJ-heaven [1]-SUBJ-much-PL

[b]Etes dasanai chiorelshire falda|ae[/b]
Etes da-san-nai chi-orelshire fal-da-|a-e
give SUBJ-3-PL SOBJ-heaven [1]-SUBJ-no-thing

chos. chos. chos. chos. chos. chos. chos.
kill. kill. kill. kill. kill. kill. kill

[1] "Fol" construction is used to chain sentences ("I'm watching you watch him") and link objects with people, such as with trades, as use...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-15 15:14:39.
Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-14 20:09:31) :
is daesila. kethas daesila chiusie
i-s da-esila. kethas da-esila chi-usi-e
PRES-V SUBJ-1m. write SUBJ-1 OBJ-part-thing
Me too. I write little bits.
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 20:09:57.
Looking For Idioms! Please Send (a) Post! (2015-08-14 20:04:45) :

(note: masciline 2nd person is used here. Replace with "sani" to mean 1pf, tasa for 2pm or tosi for 2pf.

[b]olanys daladsachsana chisud[/b] - He (who is thirsty) is looking at the sky.  To look at the obviously wrong place for something (it hardly rains in the desert)
[b]etes dasan chiolrel foldaurel [/b] - To give a little light (candle) to the sun. To be boastful.
[b]sanleSekhasaseknai[/b] - To have 24. To be short of perfection.
[b]negak girelos ...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 20:05:21.
Frickin' dang it to heck! (2015-08-14 17:52:12) :
In Karathnai (Salthan) there are no explicit words perse, and there is no equivlent to the F word. (though honestly I'm not sure that makes much sense, and maybe someone would invent a course word for sex.).
Note: | is a click.

thed - crap!
|aka - Idiot!/Liar!)
usergs |akausher - Go to hell ("the unknowing low place")
usergs (tosa) - Damn (you) (literally "go down", though there's no sexual connotations to this.)

[b]More Strong/Explicit[/b]
dokshidas - Pro...
owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 18:09:10.
Saltha All about/AMA (Crosspost) :
(Hello! I'm a longtime poster/lurker at CBB, ZBB and I was told about this place by Travis B. it's always nice to get more feedback.).

[b]Writing History[/b]
Saltha started out trying to expand the language of the lizard-folk of the game Ultima: Underworld, and from there I started building a world for them.  At one point it was one of the factions for a trading card game/minitures game hybrid thing, that will likely never actually see the light of day.

owned by Foolster41, last edited 2015-08-14 16:22:02.

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